Welcome to Dr. T. M. Communications.

Welcome to Dr. T. M. Communications.

Time now is 3:45am East Africa Times.

Date is 26th November 2021.

Our Motto:


Our topic:

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Our Ref:

Romans 16:24.

The Grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Now, to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all Nations for the obedience of faith.

Verse 27: To God be the glory through Jesus Christ for ever.


Receive greetings from Apostle Paul. I trust this finds you in good health and doing what God ordained you to do.

Apostle Paul introduces himself as a shrewd reporter. He uses a more modest way of reporting, a deviation from the first writers in the New Testament.

Paul uses a persuasive language to bring out a very strong meaning when passing information. Paul tells us, there is a possibility of missing heaven if you do not heed to the following. At the same time, he gives us hope that by the Grace of the LORD we are likely to be forgiven. That hope of forgiveness draws us near to God. We feel part of the family of Jesus Christ.

It is that sense of belonging that gives us the energy to continue reading the next letters of Apostle Paul. We have moved from the hard and harsh language that makes us feel inadequate and not worthy in the presence of the LORD.

Apostle Paul confirms to us that our life is predestined. We are joint heirs with the King. We shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven when the time comes.

As we sum up the book of Romans, let me give you a brief summary on how Paul came to the light.

The first four books of the New Testament: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John are about the life of Jesus. From birth to His death. That took a period of three years of Jesus' Ministry.

Ref: Mathew 1:1.

The life of Jesus, Son of David, Son of Abraham.

That is how Jesus was introduced to us in a human form.

He lived a normal life until He was 30 years old. Then He did His Ministry for a period of 3 years. He took our iniquities unto the cross and there we received redemption.

As Jesus ascended to Heaven, He instructed the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. And the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in diverse tongues.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a topic on its own. We are not going to deal with that topic here because this is a historical study of the bible. We are not dealing with doctrine owing to the fact that this is a social media with readers from divergent backgrounds.

In the book of Acts, we have the disciples that walked with Jesus going different directions spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have some information about the works that the disciples did and the places where they visited.

We may come to that at a later date.

Our focus is the work that Jesus did but was not recorded by the first writers. Jesus called Paul to write what He did and taught. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to put down all that Jesus said about the Romans. It is written in form of a letter.

Paul was also given what to write to the people in Corinth. That is our next book of study.

Subsequently, God has continued raising Ministers in every generation to carry on the work that was assigned to Paul.

The bible says, we are surrounded by a host of witnesses. They are taking note of our activities. And all our deeds are recorded.

All our deeds includes bad and good deeds. And at the end time, the bible says, our records shall be read, and the images of our deeds shall be exposed as evidence on the judgement day.

Yesterday I asked you a question. And still I want to ask you the same question: "If you had the powers, which part of your life could you like exempt from being used as evidence against you during the day of judgement?

This brings us to the end of the book of Romans.

You have been a wonderful companion.

Dr. Thomas Momanyi.