🔑📖```KEY VERSE:``` _*"And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God" (REVELATION 19:9).*_

Preparing for banquets in the world takes so much out of people. Special dresses have to be acquired, the list of guests is carefully drawn up and huge financial resources go into providing food, drinks and general entertainment. Many consider it a great accomplishment to successfully host such a party. They go through so much trouble to host parties but are not prepared to take part in the greatest party ever.

This great event is the "marriage supper of the Lamb"; it is the occasion through which the Lord Jesus Christ will host the Church - all believers that ever lived on earth in all generations. It will be ushered in by a vast crowd of worshippers and a mighty choir, praising and worshipping God. The ceremony is described as the marriage of Christ to His bride, the Church. It will be the most joyful occasion to the host of heaven and to the multitude of believers that will be qualified to attend.

The bride is described as being attired "in fine linen, clean and white", portraying the life of righteousness and holiness led by believers while on earth. Although many will be unprepared to meet Christ, some will in fact, be found ready. It will, therefore, be the greatest honour and privilege for anyone to be invited to that banquet.

The best part for believers is that Christ has provided all we need to be eligible to attend the great banquet. No one should disqualify himself by thinking he does not have what it takes to attract the heavenly invitation. All we need to do is to turn away from all forms of sinful conduct, embrace Christ as our Lord and Saviour, live righteously and depend on the grace of God to keep us ready for His imminent return to take us home.

✍🏽```THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:``` _*A great feast is coming; we must not miss it.*_



*What makes heaven to rejoice*

*1. The call to rejoice*

a. The angel directed his call to be glad and rejoice to "all His servants", all that fear God, both great and small, v5.

b. He command all His saints to give honour to Him for an accomplished long awaited marriage plan that eventually came to fruition, vv6,7.

c. He was excited that the physical ascention of the body of Christ to eternally live with Christ in heaven (marriage consummation), that appears to many as a failed project, is become a reality at last, v7.

d. The joy of the children of God should be centred on what makes heaven happy. In other words we should rejoice in the Lord, Phillipians 1:25,26; 2:2;3:1;4:4.

e. Infact, Jesus asked the disciples not to rejoice at mere gifts or anointing to subdue demons but rather that their names are in the book of life, Luke 10:20.

f. If believers are not to rejoice just because of the gifts of the Spirit, how much more if the "joy" is based on earthly possessions, achievements, celebrations etc. Such are mere happiness that are different from the joy given by the Spirit of God.


a. What is the source and the cause of your rejoicing and celebrations?

b. Check the passages in Phillians above and meditative identify what the Bible commanded us to be rejoicing for.

c. What are some of the things people celebrate today which you can call mere happiness but are not important to heaven and therefore it cannot be joy given by the Spirit?

*2. The case of marriage supper of the Lamb*

a. It will obviously take place after the rapture while the great tribulation is going on on earth. What a contrast🤷‍♂️ vv7,8.

b. There will obviously be food and fruits of the vine prepared by angels in abundance, v9, Matthew 26:29, Psalm 78:24,25. So heaven approves reception for newly wedded?

c. Only those who made themselves ready through unspotted holy living will make the rapture and be able to participate, vv7,8, I John 3:2,3.

d. There will be invited guests, v9. Can you guess? Obviously the Bride cannot be the invited guests. Neither can they be angels who are servants to the Bride.They will be the Old Testament saints who obviously are not part of the Bride👏👍


i. Are you making yourself ready as a believer or it is not in your priority list? 🤔

ii. As a minister, are you preparing others to be ready or you concentrate on making others celebrate even though such things are not things that make heaven rejoice?

*Prayer points*

Praise God that you are among the number saved by grace🙏

Ask God that He would work in your life and give you the holiness and perfection that will qualify you for the great supper🙏

Pray that God will help you not to be carried away with earthly celebrations and accomplishment but rather your rejoicing will "be in the Lord" or heavenly things🙏

Pray for ministers that God will work in them to major on things that make heaven rejoice🙏