Mysterious trap

Then they heard a voice that coming to them , A fire voice is this their heart beat skipped for a moment , that man was Rizwan , they tell to Safeena ,` pls act like you're unconscious " Subhan said . ok I'll safeena replied and started their planning .

` Hi guys you're there, Safeena is still unconscious she didn't awaken " Rizwan asked to them . They afraid they think Rizwan know about this plan but not . ` Yes they is already unconscious they doesn't awaken " Zayn ( Subhan is this - he is wearing Zayn's mask and body ) said to Rizwan . Then Zayn ( Subhan ) talk to Subhan ( Zayn is this wearing Subhan's mask ) in telepathy , ` now what will we do we want to attack or not " . `Pls wait my buddies you're so fast we want to do this plan in slow and we can trap this guy , my bro " Zayn replied to Subhan .

That time Safeena's eyes opened , Rizwan saw this he made very angry to Safeena and he punched and told ,` why you woke up ? " .

Safeena made that very angry and eyes become green , her body becomes green, her shirt become green and she transformed to Monster , she take Rizwan and told , ` How dare you to punch me I will punch you , you will crushed and you will die,b you dont made me to your death .,Safeena said in a ghost voice .

Rizwan's heart beat skipped for a second and he was very scared he think that monster will eat her , he cried .

Rizwan : Cyborg pls help me , pls save my life .

Cyborg didn't do that , he is Subhan wearing Cyborg's mask and he stay in that place .

` This is the right time to trap him a mysterious trap " Zayn said . They removed their mask . ` You're cheating me you trap me in a mysterious trap " Rizwan said these words to them . Zayn and Subhan take a mysterious rope and they round Rizwan and tied him , Rizwab told in Anger ` I will pay for you two boys and I will not attack you again female monster ", he said to Safeena . And they take him that invisible box and he also go near Saleem's but he cannot touch in it because he is in Invisible realm that Zayn put him in that realm .