Invisible Realm

Two men are floating in a dark place they cannot touch together because they're in the Invisible Realm.

Saleem opened his eyes in invisible realm but his good spirit is in his body because it is in invisible realm.

" Hi bro, how are you where is this place , how it is dark now ," Rizwan asked Saleem . " This is an Invisible realm and this place is dark I but we can use our remember I'm not your side my good spirit is in invisible realm but when I awakened from this realm my evil spirit come get in to my body ," Saleem replied in an angry face . " How we could awaken from this place ? ," Rizwan again asked a question to Saleem.

Saleem : It is very tough we want to do such many but I will not do that when I do this my evil power enter again in my body " . This place is immortal place no one will die in this even we can stay in this plan in 1,000 years old ".

Rizwan: ok ! I understood every thing but I want to awaken in this realm and I will kill everyone in the world , and I will rule this earth .

" Dont think any more you want to cross several dangerous with magic to be awakened ," Saleem told to Rizwan .

" My body is so week I dont have any power to fight with you ," Rizwan told to Saleem .

" You want fight with me to complete your first stage , you want to fight with or you will lose in this stage ," Saleem replied ." I will try come we want fight I will kill you and I will go to the next stage ," Rizwan told in confidence.

" you again forget that this world is immortal , you cannot kill me you want to defeat me not kill ," Saleem replied.

Then they started their realm fight , Rizwan suit he now is rank 1 , he had a spear in fire .

Saleem's power also fire but his weapon is maize in fire .Rizwan hit him by his spear and he got a small damage but he continued, Rizwan's confidence is very big , they attacked each other and that time Saleem hit Rizwan's head with his maize .

Oh ! ouch my head !", Rizwan started screaming that his head is bleeding in down and down he fell unconscious, Saleem laugh to see that he had been defeated by him in first round in 1st stage .