Extra 2 Promise

"Breath in, breath out. Slowly, in and out, in and out,"

Wen Ning's voice lulls in the air, softly guiding Jin Ling in his breathing exercise, who at this moment has one of his arms pulling back the string of his bow while the other is focusing on the red target in front of him.

Sweat falls downs from his forehead as he concentrates and follows Wen Ning's voice, regulating his breathing to the same pace as Wen Ning instructed. It was so difficult to do both but Jin Ling wasn't a quitter. He knows himself better than anyone.

"Take your time. In and out, in and out. Now…release,"

Woosh! Thuck!

The arrow hits directly at the centre of the target.

"Finally!" Jin Ling shouts out, relieve in finally being able to release that arrow. He wipes the sweat off with the back of his hand and turns back to look at Wen Ning who is softly smiling at him. "You made me keep my posture like that for 15 minutes. That was exhausting!" Jin Ling complained as a pout form on his lips.

Wen Ning laughed out nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. "I used to do that every time before I released the first arrow. It made me concentrate better. Don't worry Jin Ling. With enough practice, you'll get used to it," Wen Ning walks towards the young cultivator and pats his soft hair. "I know you can do it. You are the best archer I have ever seen," Wen Ning praises, his sincere statement brings a blush to Jin Ling's face. Jin Ling stammers a bit before swatting Wen Ning's hand away, head held tall and proud although the blush was still there. "Of course I'm the best. You don't have to say it for me to know," he grins. Wen Ning just nods, agreeing to those words. He couldn't deny that Jin Ling was the best archer among the cultivators of his generation. He himself feels proud to be this young man's advisor.

Jin Ling looks at the arrow he had released and contemplates for a moment. "You know Wen Ning, I don't know why you have me stand like that for so long. My arms were killing me trying to keep still. Why don't you just teach me how to shoot arrows like normal? Breathing techniques help but I don't know what use it does when we go night hunting," Jin Ling complained, crossing his arms as confusion dawns his pretty face. Wen Ning just wants to pull those lips upwards just so that frown disappears from Jin Ling. No one as pretty as him should be frowning, such a waste.

"Well Jin Ling, to tell you the truth I don't really have much to teach you when it comes to archery. Almost all the arrows you shoot hit your target and you are even able to shoot at a far distance. So I don't have any complaints when it comes to your skills but, you have a huge flaw," Wen Ning says as he walks to the pierced target and begins removing the other arrows that have been shot. Jin Ling huffs, clearly annoyed with what Wen Ning had said but he patiently waits for the fierce corpse to continue. "You are impatient. Before you begin to protest, hear me out," Wen Ning puts his palm out knowing Jin Ling would voice out when he says this and true to his word, Jin Ling was about to talk but he quiets down and eyes narrowed.

"As I said, you are impatient. It's true that you are gifted when it comes to the bow and arrow but you lack patience which affects your concentration and you lose focus easily. Maybe it's because you are confident, which is good but that will be your demise. So, when Sect Leader Jiang asked me to help you with your training, I told him that I would only observe and give advise when necessary because I don't doubt your skills but you do need to realise it's alright to take it slow from time to time and not rush through things," Wen Ning pulls out the last arrow and turns around, smiling gently at Jin Ling.

Jin Ling at first wanted to retort back, unsatisfied with being called basically a 'brat' despite the flowery words disguised behind that statement but he could see no spite hidden within When Ning's kind eyes. He sighs and nods in understanding. He admits he can be a bit...too much; eager to please and stubborn to prove a point, like now. So he understands what Wen Ning meant when he needs to stop rushing and just relax. Being patient was never his strong suit but he trusted Wen Ning's advice. If he needed to learn to stay calm and focus, he will follow through it.

After putting the arrows inside Jin Ling's quiver, he hands it over to him and puts his hand on the youth's shoulder, giving a firm grip to it. "Don't worry. Take it one step at a time. There's no need to hurry. I'll still be here when you need my help," Wen Ning says, smiling that soft smile of his that made Jin Ling turn into a mess every single time.

Oblivious to the shy glances Jin Ling was giving him and the prominent blush on his cheeks, the younger man tenses a bit before holding onto Wen Ning's hands, surprising the fierce corpse. Jin Ling looked into Wen Ning's eyes and hesitated before finally gaining the courage to say the words. "Wen Ning, umm would you, would you like to go-," "What are you two doing?"

A voice disrupts them causing Jin Ling to quickly let go of Wen Ning's hands and walk backwards before falling to the ground. Cackling laughter resounded in the training field before it is quiet down by a scolding Wen Ning. Jin Ling covered his face with both hands, embarrass for being caught in such a situation by the one person he doesn't want to. "Come on Jin Ling, what were going to say to Ni-ning? Were you bringing him somewhere? I wanna follow too~," "Wei-gongzi, stop teasing the boy," Wen Ning admonished, sending a look of helplessness to Jin Ling, whose face was scrunched up cutely. He helped the young cultivator to his feet and dusts off the dirt on him.

Wei Wuxian appeared out of no where, surprising the two of them. He sauntered towards Wen Ning and drapes himself behind his back, both his arms around Wen Ning's neck. It seemed silly to Wen Ning since he was taller than his master and by doing so, Wei Wuxian's feet were dangling in the air as he tries to hold onto Wen Ning. "Wen Ning~ don't let me fall," Wei Wuxian whines, arms tighten around Wen Ning. Feeling pitiful with his master childish behaviour, he brought his master's legs up causing Wei Wuxian to piggyback on him. Wei Wuxian laughed merrily, happy to be taller than them for once.

Jin Ling scoffed and narrowed his eyes to a grinning Wei Wuxian. What perfect timing to suddenly popped out when Jin Ling finally had the courage to ask Wen Ning out to town. It's like he had been watching them during training all this time. Jin Ling doesn't doubt that. Wei Wuxian may be oblivious to his surroundings but when it comes to Wen Ning, he's observation skills were top-notched. Jin Ling sometimes wonder if maybe Wei Wuxian's feelings were more than adoration towards the often shy and timid corpse.

Wei Wuxian looks at the lack of arrows on the target dummy and the quiver in Jin Ling's hand. "Are you already done training? That was quick," Wei Wuxian plays with the strands of Wen Ning's hair as he says this. Jin Ling couldn't help but envy the close relationship of these two.

"Jin Ling is a quick learner," Wen Ning answers, as he moves Wei Wuxian to a more comfortable position. Wei Wuxian was moving a lot causing Wen Ning difficulties as he tries to keep the demonic cultivator to stay still. Wei Wuxian stopped moving around and put his chin on Wen Ning's shoulder, his cheek nuzzling to him as he giggles.

If this was the past Wen Ning, he would be blushing and fidgeting around from this type of touching but now, Wen Ning was so used to such affections that it doesn't faze him anymore. Wei Wuxian was such a touchy person and he doesn't realise that he is doing it so Wen Ning can't really be mad at him. Mostly, he lets Wei Wuxian be.

"Has Jin Ling seen you shoot before? You should let him, he'll be so amaze," Wei Wuxian winks at Jin Ling whose face seem excited when hearing Wen Ning showing his archery skills. "I heard a lot from Wei Wuxian that you were the best archer he has ever seen. I had my doubts at first but even uncle acknowledge your skills. If, if you don't mind, can you show me?" His face shy yet his eyes earnest that Wen Ning didn't have the heart to say no but he knew he couldn't. The bow and arrow were useless to him now.

Wen Ning sadly smiles and shook his head. Jin Ling's expression turns into disappointment. "It's not that I don't want to but my strength, I don't have much control over it. I don't want to break your bow Jin Ling. Maybe someday but not now," Wen Ning reassures Jin Ling and although reluctant, Jin Ling accepts Wen Ning's reasoning.

Jin Ling then looks at Wei Wuxian, still nuzzling himself to Wen Ning. He was now currently humming a tune to Wen Ning's ear, a tune he hears quite often played by both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji whenever he and his friends past by their jingshi.

It was an unspoken rule around Cloud Recesses that no one should be near the couple's place when the song is being played, unless invited but Jin Ling knows that Wen Ning would always be a welcome guest. No matter how the former ghost general tries to politely decline the invitation, one or both of the pair had their ways to convince Wen Ning to spend time with them in their jingshi. Jin Ling expected this from Wei Wuxian but from Lan Wangji, that was a surprise he wasn't expecting. Wen Ning would hesitate but he always gives in to their request. Jin Ling doesn't know what they do inside, probably just talking or whatever, but he does know that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji would play this song when Wen Ning is around.

Jin Ling kind of has already figured this out even before Lan Sizhui told him about it (he has been around these three as much as Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi) but is Wen Ning that oblivious.

"Wen Ning, you're so cuddly," cooing noises coming from a man-child.

"Wei-gongzi, not too close. Please yo- did you just pull my hair?"

"You were complaining too much," another softer tug to Wen Ning's hair.

Sigh "Hanguang-jun will kill me if he sees you sticking to me like this,"

"He won't, he likes you too much to hurt you,"

"Haha, very funny. Next thing you're going to say is he wants me to hug him,"

"Not the first time I heard him say that," Wei Wuxian whispers quietly to himself.

"You said something?"


Tell him he's not imagining this. He is not imagining Wei Wuxian flirting shamelessly with Wen Ning and failing at it because Wen Ning is completely oblivious. Despite all the signs, Wen Ning is oblivious. Arggg, he can't believe he's surrounded by hopeless idiots.

Jin Ling groans and kicks the ground. He doesn't want to stay here any longer. Doesn't want to get infected by lovesick imbeciles.

Wen Ning sees Jin Ling walks away from them and calls out to him. "I'm leaving. I got to meet Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi for tonights night hunt (and probably complain to them about these two). Meet you next training Wen Ning!" he runs off leaving Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian alone at the archery field.

Wen Ning looks at the disappearing back of Jin Ling and tilts his head in confusion. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked Wei Wuxian, whose arms are now a bit tighter holding him. Wei Wuxian closes his eyes, seeming to be asleep but the sound of soft chortle made Wen Ning realised he wasn't. "Probably annoyed that I made him miss his chance, not that i'll let him. You're mine," Wei Wuxian murmurs as he plants his face to Wen Ning's neck, his warm breath sending shivers (he can't feel it but if he could, oh if he could) to Wen Ning. Wen Ning hopelessly sighed. "I really don't understand what you guys mean. Let me send you back home, its nearly lunch and Hanguang-jun is probably impatient by now," he says this as he holds onto Wei Wuxian legs properly, careful to not let him fall. His master seems to have made himself at home on Wen Ning's back; laying his head on Wen Ning's neck and arms around him. After making sure Wei Wuxian was comfortable, he begins walking back to his master's jingshi, ignoring the looks he gets on the way.

"Did you come find me for lunch Wei-gongzi?"

"Yeah, you were late so I went to get you,"

"You should have just continue without me. I don't eat remember,"

"It wouldn't be the same without you. I need A-Ning to be there to defend me from Lan Zhan,"

"Is that so? I'm happy to know that I could help," Wen Ning jokingly says.

"Maybe I just want you around. You're rarely around, always going to Nie Huaisang's place," a sad tone could be heard making Wen Ning regret a bit. He has his reason but Wei Wuxian doesn't need to know. It's something he has to handle himself.

"I'll, I'll try to be here more. I can't promise to be here always but I'll try for Wei-gongzi's sake," he reassures Wei Wuxian who huffs, believing in Wen Ning's promise.

"He better not keep you at his sect longer than a week or we'll be having words. Wen Ning, A-Ning, you're mine, ours, so don't leave me and Lan Zhan please. My Ni-ning should always be with us," Wei Wuxian desperately says as his fingers gripped on Wen Ning's robes.

Wen Ning does not understand why Wei Wuxian is suddenly downhearted and saying all this stuff but he knows he can at least keep that promise.

"Of course I'll always be there for you and Hanguang-jun. Don't worry Wei-gongzi, I'm not going anywhere,"

