
Liu Li Fei sloppily sits on the bench as one of the attendants, who came together with Bai Shirong, patched up his wounds while the male servant frets over him, from time to time glaring at Liu Li Feng. Liu Li Feng eyes are still narrowed at his brother, mouth in a thin line and both of his hands gripping his robes as he kneels with both knees on the wooden floor of the gazebo in front of the first prince. Sun Junjie is also beside him in the same position, cursing quietly to himself at Liu Li Fei. Liu Li Fei ignores the two below him as his head is pulled back and eyes closed, wincing with every dab of ointment applied on the cut above his lips.

Bai Shirong was sitting on the bench beside Wen Ning, as far as they could from Liu Li Fei. His brother trying to calm Wen Ning's trembling body, whispering to him in a soothing voice as he tells him that everything is okay. Wen Ning tried to stop himself from shaking but remembering back what happened just now, made him recall back to what happened to him in his world.

When he was a prisoner in Lanling Jin Sect, the cultivators there would experiment on him to see how much pain he could handle (which always felt like slight pressures inflicted on his body) or testing their new inventions on him (often resulting in his body parts being torn off and put back together again). Over time, their treatment on him grew worse as they were bored with the impassive responses he gave and decided to use him as a punching bag whenever they felt like it, usually when the higher-ups were breathing down their necks to speed up the process to make Wen Ning their own murder weapon. Not like he'll let them. No one but Wei Wuxian could control him and he makes sure they know without even speaking.

Punches to his face, kicks to his body, whips, sword slashes, you name it, they might have done it. He bears it all because there was nothing left of him after the death of his sister, his A-Yuan, the remaining members of the Wen and his master Wei Wuxian. He was the only survivor and why should he be 'alive' when everyone he loved was gone. So he takes it all in and somehow ends up with two black pins driven into his head, making him into a mindless corpse. Like a doll; lifeless and soulless.

As years past, the cultivators in the sect seem to have forgotten him except for a few who were ordered to guard him or two or three curious young sect members trying to get a glimpse of the menacing Ghost General. Of course, not much he could do. He could see and think in that state but he couldn't move or do much. That's where some took advantage.

By some, it was actually one person, a guard that Wen Ning knew always cursed out loudly whenever he was in charge of him. He would give angry looks to him and at least give Wen Ning a kick to his stomach every time during his shift. Luckily, Wen Ning only had to encounter this person thrice a month (if he counted right, it gets boring in his mind). He would not have cared if the person continued to act that way towards him but slowly his attitude towards Wen Ning changed.

He would stare at Wen Ning longer than before, sometimes he touches Wen Ning's face and puts his hands around Wen Ning's neck leaving bruises. The scariest thing for Wen Ning was the darken gaze the guard had on him, it made Wen Ning's skin crawl and felt disgusted. Touches to his face turned into touches to his body, never lower but always barely, like the guard was testing the water. Wen Ning wanted to push him away and just screamed for help but he couldn't, and never had he felt so helpless in his life. Then one day, the guard just snapped.

It was like any normal shift. The guard came, staring at Wen Ning while he looked to see if anyone was around. He went inside Wen Ning's enclosure and proceeded to do what he normally does to Wen Ning. Wen Ning wanted to close his mind, trying to block himself from thinking of the man's hands on him until he felt movement trailing down to his lower body and that disgusting hand landed on Wen Ning's private part. The guard continued to get himself worked up, feeling upon him until Wen Ning realised he was pushed down and his hands dangling to the side due to the chains on him. The guard hovered above Wen Ning, his uniform half open and a lustful gaze looking at his body. Those hands started touching everywhere and Wen Ning just wanted it to go away. He begged inside his mind for anyone, just anyone to help him. God, ghosts, spirits, anyone, just help him.

Someone out there seems to hear Wen Ning's plea because the next second, the guard was pushed off him and three other guards had the man down on the ground. There were shouts and fighting happening around him and Wen Ning could feel someone fixing his robe. It was all a blur but Wen Ning never saw that guard again. The guard shift changes and there would at least be two guards outside his prison with one checking on them every two hours.

After that, life went back to normal and Wen Ning should be thankful for that but he still couldn't forget those hands on him. Even when he was safe and sound at Cloud Recesses, that memory still haunts him. He falls into a dark space and gets lost inside his mind whenever that memory passes by. Lan Wangji once found him staring blankly at a wall for an hour and couldn't get him to come back until Wei Wuxian was slapping his face, calling out his name.

Wen Ning finally had to tell them why he sometimes acts like that because he didn't realise how frequent it happened and people around him got worried. That day, Wen Ning got to see Lan Wangji becoming furious even in his silence and Wei Wuxian wanted to storm to Lanling Jin Sect and get his hands on the guard who had…touched Wen Ning in such a way. Of course, Wen Ning stopped them, telling them that it has been years and he has forgotten who the guard was. But he could hide nothing from Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji.

Whenever he got like that, body trembling as he put his arms around himself and eyes staring blankly at nothing, Wei Wuxian would cuddle with him under a blanket and Lan Wanji would be at their side playing Wangxian with his guqin. He would slowly calm down and enjoy the warm comfort given by the two most important people in his life.

Ah, he kinda misses it. He wished he could hear Wangxian one more time.

"I don't know what the big fuss is about,"

"Do you not realised what you have done? You touched my wife!"

"Really? You never minded if I touched your things before,"

"Bai Yujin is not a thing!"

Shouting between two brothers could be heard that Wen Ning winced when their loud voices started to grow louder and louder. Bai Shirong glowered, his eyes looking up as if he was praying for patience before quickly turning back to Wen Ning with a small smile. "Sit here quietly. Dage has something to do," he pats Wen Ning's head before walking over to Liu Li Fei.

Liu Li Fei senses an evil presence, realising that 'presence' was standing in front of him. He lazily opens one eye and there stood Bai Shirong, his face a blank slate yet his eyes are colder than Liu Li Fei has ever seen. Maybe this time he has gone too far if even his advisor is giving him the stink eye. Liu Li Fei gives Bai Shirong his usual lazy smile, trying to appease the man in front of him. "Xiao Shi, I really didn-,"


Liu Li Fei eyes grew big and his mouth instantly shuts. He nervously gulps and eyes slowly glancing to his left. Bai Shirong's foot was inches away from his face.

Bai Shirong, with intense fury in him, had put all that anger when he kicked the bench, purposely avoiding the prince's face but he knew his intent to pummel the bastard in front of him was well received by Liu Li Fei, judging from the shaky smile on the prince's face. He pulls his foot back and fixed his robe, ignoring the shrieking coming from that annoying male servant who keeps yammering non-stop. "Shut up or I'll cut your tongue," he snarls at the servant who instantly quiets down.

Bai Shirong focusses back on Liu Li Fei, eyes looking down at the suddenly obedient prince. "Right now, I am standing here not as your right-hand man but as your childhood friend, who has kept your ass out of trouble for god knows how long. Li Fei, I have tolerated your selfish and childish attitude because I know you do that to get a rise out of everyone and I have the decency to apologise for the trouble you make me go through because I am your friend. But this, this is a mistake I will not apologise for. That," he points a finger to Bai Yujin "is my little brother, who so happened to be your brother's wife. Have you no shame?! Go there and kneel, beg Yujin to accept your apology because I swear I will drown you in this pond and be happy to get rid of you," he growls closely to Liu Li Fei's face.

"But he was just so cute!" Liu Li Fei weakly explained, pout on his lips.

"No excuse! Go, now," Bai Shirong pulls Liu Li Fei off the bench and pushes him towards Bai Yujin, who was holding a small pillow, using it as a barrier as the first prince got closer.

Bai Shirong then narrowed his eyes to the two kneeling on the floor and sighed in exasperation. "You two, stand up. You know that 'child' was the one in the wrong, so why are you following his order to kneel?" "I don't want to get punished for not following his order. He still the first prince, although he acts like a bastard," Sun Junjie whispers that last sentence to Liu Li Feng, who promptly hits Sun Junjie's side with his elbow. Liu Li Feng ignores Sun Junjie low wailing of pain as he addresses Bai Shirong. "Out of respect," Liu Li Feng begrudgingly says.

Bai Shirong looks away and massages his temple. He is surrounded by fools. "Just stand. You two look pitiful," Bai Shirong waves his fingers up to them as he looks over at Bai Yujin's side.

Wen Ning is annoyed.

There is a grown man kneeling in front of him, clearly annoyed to be treated like a commoner. Liu Li Fei has been grumbling and glancing at Wen Ning ever since he has his knees on the floor, trying to get Wen Ning's attention.

No way! You're the one who pushed me down, so you start first. I am not talking until you at least say you're sorry. Really, are all princes this stubborn? Wen Ning crossed his arms and looks away from Liu Li Fei, he himself having a pout that could rival the first prince's one.

Liu Li Fei just gapes in disbelieve with Bai Yujin's action. His knees were killing him and this little sparrow decides to act rebellious now. Hoh, he can't wait to get his hands on him. He'll teach this beauty not to mess with Prince Liu Li Fei. If he plays his cards right, Bai Yujin will be eating out of his hand. Hehehe, just wait. This is just the beginning.

"Master, master. That man is acting like a creep," A-Jia whispers to Wen Ning as they glance at Liu Li Fei, as the man was snickering to himself. Wen Ning just shook his head, his face worn out. "Probably thinking of my demise. Let's just hope it's a quick death," Wen Ning replies back to A-Jia sarcastically but A-Jia's small face was in terror with what Wen Ning had said. The sugar glider took both its paws and starts squishing Wen Ning's cheeks, moving his face to A-Jia's until Wen Ning was crossed eyes looking at two brown big eyes that were too big for such a small head. "Master can't die! What will happen to A-Jia if master dies?" it cries out, small tears already out. Wen Ning looks at the sugar glider blankly. "A-Jia, you do remember that I have to die at the end, right?" he says patiently to it until realisation appears on its face. "Oh, you're right," A-Jia knocks a fist downwards to its palm. Wen Ning can imagine a light bulb appearing above its head. A-Jia, I will have to teach you 'to think before you say' from now on.

A cough then caught Wen Ning's attention and he moves his head back to face Liu Li Fei, who has that smirk on his lips. Wen Ning just pouts back at him. "Little sparrow, I have learnt my mistake. Please forgive this lowly person who is seeking your forgiveness," Liu Li Fei gives a half bow while he glances up from time to time to look at Wen Ning's reaction. Wen Ning just frowns and puts both his hands on his lap. "No," he says, face serious and eyes narrowed. Liu Li Fei face was surprised hearing that word but he quickly smiles back, disguising his irritation.

"Sparrow, please forgive me," Liu Li Fei looked over his back, seeing Bai Shirong watching them from afar. He looks back at Wen Ning, eyes pleading.

"And I said no," Wen Ning grips the small pillow harder.

"Okay, I give in. What would it make for you to forgive me?" Liu Li Fei whispers so that only he and Wen Ning could hear.

"Why don't you start by being honest for what you're actually apologising,"

"I AM being honest," he stresses on his words, smile tight and eyes glinting, already fuming with anger.

"No, you're not. You are apologising because you don't want Shi-ge to hit you after this. Listen, at this point I kind of know how you act so just, apologise while being you. Just say what's on your mind,"

"Are you sure?" a brow lifts.

"Yes. Be honest and I'll accept the apology," Wen Ning waited, his eyes focusing on Liu Li Fei.

"As you say so," the first prince smirks as he gets closer to Wen Ning and holds his hands, still on his knees, while ignoring Liu Li Feng telling him to let Wen Ning's hands go.

With a loud voice, Liu Li Fei begins to say the things he wanted to say to this minx in front of him. "Bai Yujin, I am so~ sorry for being a bastard to you. If I knew you weren't kin on exhibitionism, I would have quickly brought you to my room. I deeply apologise for not considering your feelings. No one wants to share their husband and I should have asked Li Feng if he wanted to join. Oh, maybe I should also order his lover to join in with us. That would probably be more to his liking, don't you think. Also, I'm sorry for pushing you down," he ends it with his cheek nuzzling on one of Bai Yujin's palm while his smirks widen when he hears Liu Li Feng trashing to get a hold of him, probably to strangle him this time. Hah, his little brother is truly predictable.

Bai Yujin has an impassive look on him as he stares right at Liu Li Fei's eyes. Those grey gems looking deep into his should have made him feel intimidated but he felt electrify having this sparrow's attention on him. Despite Bai Yujin not saying a word, his silence spoke volumes; acting like how a son of a noble should and not reacting instantly to such remarks. Bai Yujin did not shake off Liu Li Fei's hands and patiently played along despite the nasty words he had said. Hmm, Liu Li Fei decides he likes this sparrow.

Bai Yujin then slowly gives a small smile to Liu Li Fei and put his hand on the prince's cheek. "And I would like to apologise too,"


Liu Li Fei's head whiplash to the right, his ears ringing and teeth-rattling from the open-handed blow by the petite and submissive looking man. He didn't even have the chance to blink before Bai Yujin slapped him across the face and Liu Li Fei knows the cut above his lip is bleeding again from the sudden impact. He spits out saliva to the floor and yep, definitely bleeding inside his mouth too. Sound of gasps could be heard and loud cackle was heard together with the sound of fist pounding on the wood. That definitely has to be Sun Junjie's doing.

Liu Li Fei looks back at Bai Yujin, licking the blood from his lips. The ger just continues to softly smile at him. "Now we're even," he says.


Fuckkkkkk, I definitely, definitely like you. Did God make you for me? How can he still smile like that after he just slapped me? A cute devil hiding behind an innocent façade, you are definitely made for me. Damn it, Bai Yujin I want you!

Wen Ning flaps his hand a bit, trying to dull down the sting from the slap he has given. He ignores the looks given to him by everyone that was there and even had to push A-Jia's mouth up, afraid if flies suddenly entered inside its mouth. He stands up, pulling Liu Li Fei to his feet too. He then fixes the prince's robes, making sure that every skin on his upper body is cover. He then went and picked up the gold-black coat to put over Liu Li Fei. He felt remorseful to give it to Liu Li Fei (it was fluffy and warm!) but the man couldn't just stand there in the cold like this, he was still dressed unsightly.

Wen Ning was about to cover Liu Li Fei with the coat before his hands was pushed back to him. "A gift for my sister-in-law, to remind of our first meeting," he squeezes Wen Ning's hands. Wen Ning thinks back of the time he got this coat and the stranger who had given him it. "You're that man?" "Of course! No one but the royal family can wear black. You should remember that," he taps on Wen Ning's nose which made his face scrunched up and Liu Li Fei chuckles at that. He then takes the coat and puts it around Wen Ning, deciding that that's where it belongs, around his sparrow.

"If we're done with this, my prince, will you let go of my younger brother, right now? You still have documents to sign and places to check up on," Bai Shirong pushed them apart, pulling Wen Ning behind him as he stands in front of Liu Li Fei. Liu Li Fei tsk and begrudgingly nods his head in understanding. "Fine, fine I'm going. You are such a pest. Oh, but before that," he quickly sidesteps around Bai Shirong and puts a hand on Wen Ning's cheek as he gives a kiss to the other.

His lips linger there a bit before reluctantly leaving the soft and chubby cheek. Blood from the cut stains Wen Ning's cheek, making the red colour stand out among the white, milky skin that was blushing either from the cold or his kiss. Liu Li Fei hopes it's the latter. His eyes darken as he sees his blood on Wen Ning and he brushes a thumb on Wen Ning's cheek. "You look good with my blood. I wonder what else of mine you would look good on," Liu Li Fei licks his lips.

Suddenly, Wen Ning was pulled off from Liu Li Fei and into Liu Li Feng's tight embrace. The man was shaking in anger as he glares at his older brother, hands opening and closing wanting to strike his sibling with a sword. Sun Junjie was right behind him, hand already on the hilt of his sword, just waiting for the order to be given. Liu Li Fei was just yawning at them and his eyes glint with mirth.

'Arg, these men are impossible,' Wen Ning rolls his eyes and push Liu Li Feng away. Wen Ning could see that Liu Li Feng was saddened by his action but remembering what he promised to A-Jia, he stood firm in his play to sever his ties between those two. There is no reason to think otherwise.

"Well, I hope the next time we meet there will be tea served, brother-in-law," Wen Ning bows to Prince Liu Li Feng, carefully cradling his belly as the child inside him seems to be quite restless these past few minutes.

The prince gives a slight nod as an attendant puts a new long coat on him. "I hope it will be soon then little sparrow. Xiao Shi, I know what we need to do with that 'problem' of ours. Let's discuss while I sign those damn documents," he grins at them as he makes his way to return back to the castle, the two attendants and the male servant following him from behind.

Bai Shirong sighed and tiredly smiles at Bai Yujin. "Apologies didi that you had to meet him in such a way. He is not usually that…bad. Now, let me send you back home. That man can wait," Bai Shirong goes to Bai Yujin to hold his hand but a hand slaps his hand away. Bai Shirong looks to the side and sees Liu Li Feng glaring at him as the second prince put his arm around Bai Yujin. "Go. I will send him home," Liu Li Feng voices out, his eyes challenging Bai Shirong to take Bai Yujin away. 'This brat!' Bai Shirong wanted to punch this boy. Manhandling his didi like a rag-doll! You dare to do that in front of me? I swear these siblings want me to kill them on a daily basis.

Wen Ning noticing tension in the air decides to dissuade the situation before it starts to get out of control. "That is okay Shi-ge. I have these two to accompany me back. You should help brother-in-law. His face seems to be in dread when you mentioned him about signing documents," Wen Ning squiggles out of Liu Li Feng's hold and went to hold onto his brother's arm. He starts to walk his brother out of the gazebo, ignoring the two behind him, knowing that they would be following along. "Let me accompany you until we reached brother-in-law's place okay?" he smiles at his brother, eyes shining with innocent. Bai Shirong's anger dissipates and he nods, agreeing with Wen Ning. He ruffles Wen Ning's hair and notices the glares he is receiving from two very jealous people. Bai Shirong couldn't help put his chin on his little brother's head and smirks at them. He brings Wen Ning closer as they head towards a corridor with two neglected puppies behind them.

A-Jia, inside the pocket, is impressed.

'Master, your charm is too extreme!'


"Prepare the bath this instant!"

Liu Li Feng enters the small mansion and quickly orders the servants as he throws his coat to the floor and stomps inside, muttering to himself as he enters Bai Yujin's room. Hearing such order, the servants nearby quickly rush to prepare hot water for the bath. Wen Ning's brows rose in surprise at Liu Li Feng's tone.

His husband has never risen his voice before and Wen Ning has never seen him releasing his anger in such a way. Wen Ning begins to worry, a frown on his face as he tries to think what else has made Liu Li Feng's anger appear. Sun Junjie, with his arms finally around Wen Ning after the ordeal with Bai Shirong, was giggling to himself. Wen Ning gives him a questioning look, wanting answers that Sun Junjie seems to know. "Don't worry, he is not angry with you," he reassures Wen Ning but Wen Ning isn't convinced. If he isn't angry, why did Liu Li Feng entered his room? Doesn't this mean Wen Ning will be getting a scolding?

Sun Junjie went to pick up Liu Li Feng's fallen coat and turns back to Wen Ning. He hesitated to say what he wanted but Wen Ning knew what it was. "Go and wait in his room. I'll tell him you're waiting for him there," Wen Ning pats his back and walks pass Sun Junjie to head to his room but his hand was held, stopping him. He looks at Sun Junjie, who is biting his lips and looking at Wen Ning warily. "It's, it's not what it looks like. Yujin I, you have to understand. I don't have any bad intention. Please forgi-," Wen Ning puts his finger on those lips. He shook his head and sadly smiles to Sun Junjie. "Just go and wait okay," Sun Junjie reluctantly lets the small hand go, watching Wen Ning leave and shakily looks at his hand.

'There really was no explanation needed,' Sun Junjie laments.

He walks to Liu Li Feng's room, his emotions heavy with every step.

Wen Ning peered inside his room and he saw Liu Li Feng standing in the middle with his hand by his side in fists. He didn't want to go in. Liu Li Feng was acting too scary that Wen Ning just wanted to curl himself into a ball and be left alone. He wants a hug from Wei Wuxian, he wants to watch Lan Wangji play the guqin and he wants A-Yuan to be by his side and nap on his lap before he goes to his afternoon classes. He wants it back.

"Bai Yujin, come in and close the door…please," Liu Li Feng says, still with his back to Wen Ning. Wen Ning did as he was told but he stood by the closed door, afraid to step closer to Liu Li Feng. He faced the door and was this close to knocking his head on it. How should he act? Should he ask him to leave or just wait? Wen Ning was so absorbed with his thinking that he did not realise Liu Li Feng standing behind him.

Wen Ning felt something brush his ears and when he slightly turns his head back, he was surprised to see Liu Li Feng standing there with his hand near Wen Ning's ear. Liu Li Feng looks at Wen Ning and gently tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. He was startled with such affection that Wen Ning couldn't stop Liu Li Feng hugging him from behind, his arms tucked around Wen Ning's waist and his chin to Wen Ning's shoulder. Wen Ning could feel Liu Li Feng's breath as the man exhales, tickling his ear making Wen Ning shiver. His heart was thumping loudly that Wen Ning felt breathless. It was wrong to feel this way but why did he fit so perfectly being in this man's embrace.

The storm inside Liu Li Feng eased as he finally was able to hold Bai Yujin in his arms. He couldn't stand those three days not being able to see and touch Bai Yujin. He felt restless and irritated. Even with Sun Junjie by his side, it still felt like something was missing and he realised he was missing Bai Yujin. Now that Bai Yujin was here, he could finally relax after witnessing what had happened today. Remembering his brother touching and saying all those words, how intimate Bai Yujin was with the doctor, the glares and disapproval from General Bai, Bai Shirong mocking him with how he was able to touch Bai Yujin whenever he wants and Sun Junjie sudden declaration to be friends with his wife has made Liu Li Feng want to scream but just from being able to hug Bai Yujin, he was able to let loose and calm himself. But, there's just one problem.

"You smell like him," Liu Li Feng growls and Wen Ning couldn't help but let out a quiet moan. The rumble from Liu Li Feng's chest due to that growl made him feel weird everywhere, similar to how Sun Junjie's hugs and touches made him feel. Wen Ning tightly grips into the coat and gazes up to Liu Li Feng, whose eyes are burning holes into it. "Yo-you want me to ta-take it off?" his voice trembles. Lips suddenly land on his neck, ghosting his skin with each movement until it reaches Wen Ning's ear. "Mn," he whispers to Wen Ning's ear. Wen Ning quickly covers his ears and weakly glares at Liu Li Feng but the blush on his face just made Liu Li Feng want to get more closer to him.

Liu Li Feng's sees the red marks on Bai Yujin's neck, due to Liu Li Fei's fingers. He grew angry seeing it and promptly make his way again to Bai Yujin's neck and starts giving slow butterfly kisses to the spots where his elder brother had touched. He wanted to mark Bai Yujin with his own marks, to give his own red blooms on that skin but he knows his wife would not appreciate such gesture after what he had said to Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie when they were in the dining room. But still, he was this close to doing so if Bai Yujin kept blushing so beautifully like this. How did he not notice how beautiful his wife is?

Wen Ning shivers uncontrollably as Liu Li Feng kisses his neck. He wants to push him away but he couldn't. It felt so warm to be hug this way. Wen Ning puts his hands on the arms around his waist and weakly pushes it down, to get himself out of that grip but the difference in strength between them made it impossible to do so. Wen Ning lets out a sharp gasp as he feels teeth nibbling on his neck. "St-stop it! Yo-you said I sm-smell like h-him right, so le-let me re-re-remove this fi-first," With one hand still pushing those arms away, he uses his other hand to push Liu Li Feng's head away. Still not being able to move, Wen Ning was getting desperate and then decided to use that word. "Hus-husband, will you let me go plea-please? Can Yu-Yujin go ta-take a ba-bath now? It's…cold," he shyly says, the blush now spreading all over his face.

Ahhhh, he has never called Liu Li Feng husband right to his face. This is so embarrassing! And what's with that cutesy voice he did?! But it seems to work because Liu Li Feng has stop mauling his neck after Wen Ning says that. Liu Li Feng removes himself from Wen Ning's neck (thanked god!) but it seems like he decides to go to Wen Ning's ears.

"Only if you call me husband from now on," his tone firm.

"Th-that was only to make you stop having your te-teeth on my ne-neck!"

"Then no deal," he moves back to Wen Ning's neck but Wen Ning was able to push his face away.

"You bloody pervert! Let me go!" Wen Ning shouts as he struggles to get out but unfortunately, he fails again. What kind of food did this guy eat to get this strong?

"Call me husband,"


"…Li Feng, call me Li Feng then,"

"That's…acceptable," he gives up at this point.

"And I will call you Yujin,"

"You are such a child!"

"You let Sun Junjie call you that. Why can't I call you Yujin?" this man is definitely sulking right now.

"Fine, fine. Just let. Me. Go!"

Wen Ning opens the door of his room and pushes Liu Li Feng out. He even throws the jacket to his face just because he can and how dare he says Wen Ning smells. The nerve of some people! "I'm going to take a bath after this, so go back to your room. Sun Junjie is waiting for you," he glares at Liu Li Feng but its useless since the blush on his face and that small frown on him just makes him cute to Liu Li Feng.

He shuts the door and leaves Liu Li Feng outside in shock. Wen Ning laid his back against the door and slides downward until he is sitting on the floor. He puts both his hands on his face and internally screams in embarrassment and frustration.

A-Jia can only stand there and pat his head, trying to comfort its master but all it can think about is its master's ability.

"Master! Teach A-Jia how to charm people like you do,"

This brat!


At Liu Li Feng's side, he was walking back to his room with a dazed look on his face. The jacket thrown to him was already given to a servant to be wash. He should be angry to be treated with a jacket to his face but all he can think about is Yujin's teary eyes and blushing face, his neck now littered with red marks of his own (he promised himself he wouldn't but he couldn't stop when Yujin pushed himself back to his chest, so small and warm), his soft voice calling him husband (it felt so good to hear Yujin call him husband), Yujin's sweet scent mix with herbs and that fire in his eyes when Yujin talked back to him.

Maybe it wasn't too late. If he discusses this with Sun Junjie, maybe they could make this work and take it further than they previously planned. He could do so when he gets back to his room but at this moment, let him enjoy himself for the moment with Yujin's blushing face in his mind. He does know this though. Junjie will definitely be jealous at him.

Gosh, Yujin was right. He is a pervert.