7- Battle!

"Senior Machina! I will defeat you today!Oraaaaa!!" Aqua roared with fire-spitting out from her mouth, her personality now was very different from now to earlier, she looked like a messed up Valkyrie who just woke up from her hangover.

Machina sighed 'Does she have a personality disorder or something? Machina started to wonder, or maybe, Charlotte brainwashed the kid again and made her fired up for the upcoming spar, anyway, undeniably, Aqua's talent is above everyone here.

Even Machina admits it himself as he has a cheat as his advantage but Aqua was pure talent, though, she was a bit childish she is still talented nonetheless, "Okay, okay shut up now, its going to start"

"Okay" Aqua quieted down and entered her Training Mech.

Both sides faced off each other as the referee of the match announced the start of the match, "First Round of Battle Class: Deus Machina against Starling Aqua, both sides, salute"


The two Mechs saluted at the same time, "Greet" the referee added, the Mech's took out their weapons and crossed it in front of them, "Battle" the two students said at the same time, the referee nodded, "May the best Mech wins, Start!"


Two Mech's moved at the same time, one was charging while the other was backing away, Aqua's Mech Weapon was a 4-meter long black scythe, while Machina took out his revolver the peacekeeper first.

Scythes were good at close range, maybe even better than a spear if put in the right hands, and Aqua was in this category, she was like the grim reaper who chased after Machina.


Machina shot Aqua in which she dodged but Machina followed up with another two fires, which halted Aqua on her chase as she spun her scythe at a very fast speed deflecting the bullets that came after her, but this was enough for Machina.

Machina stashed out his Peacekeeper and pulled out the big guy, Crusader, Machina then aimed towards Aqua who saw Machina took out the big gun and started moving in a zigzag way, she can't afford to get hit by the big guy as its attack power was stronger than the revolver.

Machina didn't fire immediately and kept his aim steady, Crusader only have 6 bullets, and reloading it takes time, and once he was out of bullets, Aqua won't let him reload anymore, Machina then smiled "What are you doing in front of an FPS Gamer? are you dancing?"

*Boom! *Bang!

Aqua's Mech shoulder was blasted by the gun losing her momentum and falling to the ground, but she immediately stood up after that, "He still hit me despite moving that way, as expected of the school top 1" Aqua stared at Machina who was a few meters away from her.

"But I'm not going to lose! Aqua Starling doesn't like to lose!" She roared and charged towards Machina, the back of her Mech opened showing jet thrusters that spewed out flames boosting her speed.

Machina didn't back away as he knew he won't be able to outrun Aqua's Mech that was boosted by Jet Thrusters but he was always prepared, Machina fired his Crusader in quick succession hitting some parts of Aqua but her speed did not decrease at all.

It only took a moment for her to finally reach Machina, Aqua then swung her Scythe towards Machina, but Machina threw his Crusader away and pulled out Peacekeeper then pointed it in the head of the Mech of Aqua.

It was done in a quick movement that Aqua wasn't able to react at all, "You are too inexperienced Aqua," Machina then pulled the trigger.


A headshot and Aqua's Mech fell to the ground, "I learned and mastered to rush before I learned to snipe, that is how fps gamers learn" Machina then picked up his Crusader, then he regained his senses 'Ahhhh, that was an embarrassing punchline, my chunibyo personality came out again' Machina was very embarrassed.

'Oh yeah, Aqua!" Machina came out from his Mech and ran after Aqua's Mech which was lying still on the ground, he opened the pod and saw Aqua staring dazedly in front of her, "Hey, Machina from earth to Aqua, are you okay?"

Aqua snapped out from her dazed state and looked at Machina, "Ahhh, I lose" she sighed but a smile on her face could be seen, "Haha, then that means you can still improve, now come up" Machina extended his hands.

"Losing means you still can improve huh?" Aqua smiled and took Machina's hands to help her come out from her Mech, "Sheesh, you are so light"

"Eh? I am not, look I'm so fat" Aqua showed her tummy, Machina rolled his eyes as he saw this, you call that fat? what are the ones on the boys then? Obesity?

[The Winner of the First Battle Class is Deus Machina, you have scored 100 points over 100 points while Aqua Sterling got 93 points over 100 points, good job you two, now for the next match, we have Sullivan Charlotte against Sirius Jeremy, the match will start in 10 minutes while the faculty clean up the training grounds]

Aqua was then brought to the clinic for a further check-up in case of some injuries appeared, and Machina got back to his Mech and brought it back to the Mech room since it doesn't really have any damage, as for Aqua's Mech, it was towed by the faculty members to repair it.

As Machina parked his Mech back, he noticed a person waiting for him below, it was a handsome guy with Red hair and blue eyes, Machina got out of the Mech and met up with him, "Jeremy, what's up" this man was Jeremy Sirius, a son of a duke.

He was a bully of Machina at the first year since he was at the top and this guy had a high pride but after beating him up, again and again, he mellowed down, though, he proclaimed Machina as his rival which is a pain in the ass.

"That was a great match by the way, as expected of you my rival" Jeremy proudly said as if it was his own achievement, "Haha, thanks for the praise, good luck with your match too, Charlotte seems to be pissed earlier"

"Hah, I saw, but I'm still going to try and beat her"