8- A Dream

"Oh, by the way, I heard some news earlier from my servant, someone bought the Junk City from a hefty price, it seems like a big shot bought it, the Avaran Kingdom and the surrounding ones didn't dare to stop the ones from buying it and just gave it to them, aren't you living in the Junk City?" Jeremy was a chatty one.

"Y-yeah" Machina was surprised by the news he had heard, if what Jeremy said was correct then they have to leave Junk City, Machina could not help but have a headache, he also planned to buy it in the future but to think someone would interest it.

"Well, I heard that they were going to gift to someone but I don't really know" Jermey added.

"Well, yeah, thank you for telling me Jeremy" Machina nodded.

"No problem as my rival, we are as close as brothers, if you need help just reach me out" Jeremy flashed a big smile before leaving.

"Yeah" Machina nodded and sighed, he decided to think about it later and talk with Grandpa Jack and Granny May, the match of Charlotte against Jeremy started soon.

Expectedly Jeremy lost against Charlotte on their spar, his Mech was in a miserable state, Charlotte's fighting style is machine gun type, while Jeremy was a flying missile type before Jeremy even got to fly to the air, he was immediately rained down with tons of bullets.

"He is not using his head at all" Machina shook his head from disappointment, Jeremy is not using his head at all! Jeremy only like to show off but not really win, before the match even started, Charlotte already had her weapon locked unto Jeremy's mech but instead of dodging it, the guy actually tried to open up his thrusters which takes 2.5 seconds, it was enough for him to be rained down by bullets.

With the anti-climatic match, Jeremy was sent to the infirmary while Charlotte sat beside Machina who was waiting for the next match, she seemed to have gotten confident from defeating Jeremy, "I will defeat you next"

"Oh really? Then I will get serious in our spar then" Machina replied with an amused tone.

"No, I'm just joking please don't destroy my baby" Charlotte immediately bowed her head, she calls her Mech baby, it showed how much she loves Mech, she is even more fanatic than Machina.

"Na uh, you started it" Machina smirked.

"Grrrr, then I will surrender1" she gritted her teeth from frustration, if there is someone she didn't want to fight at all, it will be Machina, this guy was a walking book, she still remembers when she first fought Machina and she wasn't able to hit him at all before she dropped to the ground with 2 shots of his revolver.

She shuddered thinking about that but when she turned around, she saw Machina seemed to be dazed which is unusual, there may be guys who suddenly space out but Machina is different from her perspective, this guy seemed to have a lot on his mind that he was always occupied, this was the first time she saw him like this.

"H-hey Machina, what is your dream?" Charlotte suddenly asked, which she herself was surprised by what she said but thinking about it, she was curious about Machina's dream, what keeps him going this much.

Machina woke up and looked at Charlotte, he also started thinking about her question, his dream, to be honest, he really have no dream, but tons of to-do lists, he wanted to survive in this world, he wanted to become strong, he wanted to make a good place for Granny May and grandpa Jack, he wanted to venture out to space, there are so many things that Machina had no time to think about his dream.

But thinking about it, he also had done plenty enough, maybe it's time to create a dream goal of mine, something that he will chase after, something that will become his motivation, 'What do you think Deus Ex Machina?'

Machina could not help but ask his cheat, maybe, it will give him satisfying answers that can make his dream.


To Machina's surprise, that was what the Deus Ex Machina answered, a 'sovereign huh?' Machina then shook his head, it sounds impossible, in this place, gods, and many fantasy races exist, Machina couldn't even count how many powerful beings were out there, it sounds very unrealistic, Machina then replied to Charlotte, "I don't know yet, but I will look for it"

Charlotte nodded as she got her answer, Machina already knew her dream of creating the most powerful Mech in the entire world, something that she will be proud of, but she will not be the one who will pilot this Mech, but the man she trusts wholeheartedly, someone she loves so much.

Charlotte could not help but gaze at Machina with loving eyes, yes, it was Machina, the only man qualified to pilot her dream Mech, they both sat there together waiting for the school to end, and just like Charlotte said earlier, she forfeited her match against Machina and finally, the class ended.

"Want me to bring you home?" Charlotte asked as she had a car of her own.

"Sure" Machina nodded, he needed to go home today and talk with Granny May and Grandpa Jack, the two went into the parking lot, a black-colored car its appearance was the same as the Ferarri in Machina's past life but this one was more high tech.

Charlotte passed the keys to Machina, "You drive" she said with a smile, "Gladly" Machia nodded, who doesn't like to drive a sick car like this? it's not his first time driving it though, they both hopped into the car and Machina started the engine.


The sound of the engine resounded in their ears, the car lit up and the striped around it glowed in light blue color, the wheels also glowed in bright color, Machina stomped on the pedal, and in just a moment, the car disappeared leaving nothing but a trail of light behind it.(A/N: Referenced after Tron Legacy bikes, it was also the same for Grandpa Jack's Bike)