14- New Game

After Grandpa Jack had left, Machina decided to look at the new appearance of the mothership, he knows that he doesn't really put that much attention to the appearance of his creations and only focus on their functions but seeing how beautifully his ship looked like he could not help but also wanted to make the appearance of his ships somewhat look cool or something.

After Machina finished praising the appearance of the ship, he proceeded inside, the ship had truly become big from inside to outside, the hall that he created became much bigger that it was possible to fit multiple Mech's inside.

The lighting and the new items inside made it look much vibrant and satisfying, He also noticed that the defenses he had installed had upgraded, the turrets turned to be more flexible and it also now has about 4 huge cannons on its sides, he doesn't know how powerful it was but looking at its systems and output, it was probably enough to decimate a kingdom with one attack.

Machina entered a new room called Armor suit room and found that inside were numerous numbers of Mech suit, though its appearance was different from Machina's suit, it was more refined and good looking but its functions were the same as his.

Mark nodded but was also confused what is with the number of mech suits, it was just too many, well, he decided to ask it later and proceeded to another room, it was easy to enter any room since there were automatic facial recognitions.

In the other room that was larger than the first one, Mark found out the ship docks, there were about 20 to 30 spaceships that Machina had never seen before but just as he was thinking of what these spaceships are, information suddenly appeared inside his head, they were called work type spaceships or also known as workers.

And just like how their name says, they are in charge of building, gathering resources, and more, Machina doesn't know where Link gets these things since its function resembled the ones from games.

There are more things inside the ship that Machina had seen and it didn't take long for him to reach the deck of the spaceship, inside, he saw the glowing systems, all of the computers, they were just too beautiful in Machina's eyes.

From what he remembered, he made the deck very simple, and with few important things only but seeing this, it was really...

{Did you like it?}

Link's voice resounded inside the ship, and a virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of him, the image of a man wearing a smiley mask appeared on the screen but his voice was a female.

"What's with the appearance?" Machina asked as he looked at the new appearance of Link.

{I found it as the most appropriate appearance for me, I like its style also}

Link proudly said, well, Machina didn't really care about his appearance, he was more interested in the new mothership, and so he started taking many questions.

"What happened here?"

{After I assimilated with the Spaceship, my power has influenced it causing it to change and have an upgrade}

"Then we could finally start that right? are you sure it's safe?"

{Of course, it's not my first time doing it, there was also one in the past that used me to create their own army}

"No, that's not what I want, you remembered what I said right?"


Link nodded seriously, Machina's requirements were very challenging even for Link who had lived for thousands of years, but he was very excited because what Machina wanted to create was not any normal army, but a very powerful one, something that will surely shake this dimension.

"Let's start then"

{Okay, I will start advertising, it will be open in 2 weeks, be prepared}


Machina nodded, then slowly the screen in front of him changed and familiar internet forums appeared, and it was not from this world but another dimension.

"Let's look for players"


-Milky Way Galaxy: Planet Earth-

The third planet from the sun, Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life so far. With a radius of 3,959 miles, Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, and it's the only one known for sure to have liquid water on its surface.

It was a peaceful planet with no forms of magic, superpowers, no different races and their technology is not that advanced either, they are what you call a planet with nothing special, except for the fact that the one on top of the food chain in this world is humans.

It was just a normal day for the humans in this world like no other, live, work, and die, the date is in 2021 October and the most popular thing in this world was the internet.

A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. Of course, this also exists in Machina's world.

In a popular website called Bluedit, a certain promotion caught the attention of people who loved to play games which call themselves gamers, and it was a new game but it was not just any new game, it was a Virtual Reality game that was different from the Oculus rift they had.

A virtual reality using your brain as its control, 100% realism, and the first-ever real virtual reality game, it was in its open beta only accepting 100 lucky players.

It was very enticing for the people of this world, but not everyone believed it, there is no news about virtual reality having a breakthrough and it also did not come from a popular company so not many really had high hopes for it.

But people are still bound to be curious, humans are curious creatures, even if they know it's something that does not exist, they will still try to see if it was really real, now they only have to wait for 2 weeks before they could see this new real VR Game.