15- Evil Capitalist

"Link, how are you going to bring them here?"

Machina asked as he finally finished looking around the ship a few times, it just came out of his mind, Machina came from another world so he have some knowledge about it, but he just couldn't help but think how would Link bring them to life.

Does he need to prepare a vessel like a skeleton or even a dead body or something?

{It was quite simple, you don't have to do anything as I only need to gather mana in the surroundings to create something called mana body, their appearance will be the same as a normal human except that they are not really human, they will also be bound with me, so you don't have to worry about some unruly ones}

Link explained in which Machina somewhat understood, mana body may be a foreign word for him but golems do exist in this world which is also almost the same as mana body though they are very rare.

"How about the other things I told you about?"

Machina asked.

{All done, you said you wanted to make them feel like a game, so I did that, I added quests and sub-quests, quests are divided by 7 ranks, which is from bottom to top F to S rank, their rewards depends on how high the quest they have cleared, I decided to split the rewards into 3 things, first is the when they hunt monsters; the drop rate is decided by the RNG(Random Number Generator) that you have told me about, the drops they will get from monsters are either materials or items.}

{The second is the quest rewards, most of the quest rewards are EXP points and game currency, the more they level up, the more things they could unlock, for example, only when they are above level 150 could they finally use a Mech}

{Third is the bonus and unique rewards, well, bonus rewards are like what it names says, a bonus rewards most of it were experience and some random material, as for the unique rewards, that is the cream of the top rewards for the players and there is a chance for them to get legendary materials or even their personal reward}

{Now for the punishment, you said you wanted to make it realistic as possible so what I did is on their death, they will have to wait for 3 days and also lose some of their experience points if they want to learn how to use the things here, they need to undergo training in which I could take care of my own}

"Materials and items as a reward? where are you going to get these rewards?"

{Hehe, I'm glad you asked, I thought of this myself, so here's what I was going to do, Players do quests and hunt monsters, they do things depending on what they like now, for the quests they do instead of getting 100% of it, I will take 60% of it, for example, when they kill monsters, its body will turn into little bubbles in which they will think as a death animation of monsters but instead, I was actually taking it away from them, then leave some leftover to them, it was the same for quests, I will make them gather materials then if they see a precious material, I will change its description and turn it into a useless item, once they return it to me, I will refine it and turn it into a precious material, also there is the thing when they die they will drop a random item if someone didn't pick it up in 5 minutes, I will take it for myself, hehe aren't I great?}

"You sound like an evil capitalist"

{So what? that is what makes the economy grow!}

"Where did you learn these things from?"

{Internet... there are many useful things there}

" I won't bother asking anymore, anyway, I'm going to continue building my mech, I need some help with some complicated stuff that I can't handle manually"

Machina said as he remembered the very complicated stuff and it needed the help of a machine to do it, but since Link is here might as well let him do it.


And with that, Machina continued making his Mech, if possible he wanted to make it before the players come into this world, in that way, he could show off it to them and may give them the motivation that one day they would be able to build one themselves.

It's a man's romance to build his own Mech.

It was already afternoon when Machina decided to stop, opened his phone, and opened the website that Link had created, and yes, Link had connected his network to the other dimension network which enabled him to browse through their internet.

It has not been long since the notice has been published but Machina could see that about 3 million people had visited the site and also the discussion forum was very lively.

[Clouddude: I have applied! I hope to get chosen! I've already visited 15 shrines asking to have luck! I'm very interested in this VR game!]

[Crosschase: That's some dedication you have there bro, I also applied, their advertisement sounded too good to be true but there is no harm in trying it]

[Castleheart: Only a hundred people for the beta test? that's too few, but that's what made this more interesting, I sincerely hope that I get chosen! I pray the people in charge to choose me!]

[Castleheart123: So it's you!!!! you mother F*cker, you're the reason I have to put 123 in my name! you took everything from me!]

[Castleheart: What? I don't even know who you are]

[Castleheart123: This is war!]

Well, it was certainly lively, as of now, there were about 1.5 million people who have registered and it was still growing every second, Machina was not sure how many are in total when the 2-week deadline ends.

{Oh yeah! I forgot that we need an NPC!}