
'alright Miss Sichuan, who is my son going to marry for us to get the deal' Mr Huang asked 'my sister Zhang' 'what???' both father and son confusingly asked

Wang's face fell, I knew the reason for that as he wasn't expecting it, his father's face lit though 'a very great choice miss Sichuan, so when do you want the wedding to take place' he asked 'lets say I have some papers which need your signature but the wedding must be flash, my sister is already waiting for Mr Wang by four p.m at West Side Cafe, they'll pick the date but until they are married there's no bussiness deal' I said

'alright he'll meet her there I think they'll have their marriage as soon as tomorrow, right son?' he said turning to his who didn't say anything, he had tears in his eyes I felt really bad but there's nothing I could do now I just wished he he could forgive me one day

He turned to look at his father than me before he spoke 'dad can you give us a second, I want to tark privately with four-miss Lin' 'alright son, miss Sichuan can I take this papers along so I review them before signing' 'yes sure' 'thank you, please excuse me' he said as he exited the room

'why are you doing this Lin?' he asked as soon as his father disappeared 'doing what?' 'what you're doing, don't you care abaut my feelings at all, you know I never liked Zhang, are you doing this on purpose do you hate me that much Lin, oh wait you thought I'll force you to marry me that's why you're trapping me into marrying your sister right?' He accused, at this time he stood up spoke while shaking me

'Speak' demanded, i still didn't say anything but tears started rolling down my cheeks 'oh crocodile tears, are you crazy like you think I'll fall for It really' he scolded I know he had every right to say this words to me but I couldn't take it anymore, but what could I say I just kept listening to him I could not even hear some words that he said

Sing my pale reflection, he concerningly asked coming close to me and holding my shoulders 'Lin are you ok?' he asked I didn't respond though with my earlier crying my voice was gone if I could speak I could just sound like a liar I wasn't good in lying after all, seeing me not responding he started apologizing 'I'm so sorry Lin I didn't mean to hurt you in any way please forgive me, but can you please tell me how this all happened and why you want me to marry your sister please'

He asked and this time I felt the need to respond, he was my friend after all, all this time since I met him five years back he has been my problem solver but how could he solve this one though, this included my sister's happiness especially now that she's pregnant but still some weird feelings told me to just be honest with Wang

Without wasting time I started talking after I saw tears strolling down his cheeks 'zhang is pregnant her boyfriend the father of her child refused to take responsibility although my mum was gonna take care of everything he turned out to have a girlfriend already, and with my mum's reputation a child out of wedlock is not good for her, so we decided you marying her will help solve the issue, the problem here is my mum and siblings threatened to leave if I won't make it happen so please help me out Wang'

I confessed without even swallowing the saliva I wiped away tears that were threatening to fall, he looked at me with concerned evidence in his eyes 'so you only think of others, what about your happiness Lin?, Don't tell me you care less about yourself Lin' he asked and I just guilty nodded

'what?' 'she's my sister what am I supposed to do please don't question my decision there's a reason for it and I will very much appreciate it if you support me in this please' 'alright you know I never say no to you even if it means jumping in the lake so if you want me to marry your sister who's already pregnant then I will do it for you'

I felt really bad hearing his words it looked like he was breaking into pieces inside which I didn't at all like but not everything happen accordingly, I gave him a little smile and he commanded 'not even a hug?' I stood up as soon as I heard his words walking towards his side

I threw myself in his arms and hugged him tightly, he was also holding me tight it might be our last hug after all we stayed like that for more than maybe 5 minutes then pulled away unwillingly 'I will take my leave now miss Lin' he akwardly said pointing at the door and I nodded 'see you Friday Mr Wang' I quickly responded, he nodded then headed for the exit door I watched him disappear

Just right after Wang disappeared I heard a knock on my door, and without thinking I responded 'what did you forget Wang' but was shocked to see the person at the door it wasn't Wang but every handsome, cute, lovely men, my personal assistant was behind him surprisingly as normally it's the assistant in front now what was happening I commanded them to come in which they followed as they made their ppway inside

'please take a seat' I said to the men as soon as he arrived to my side as I took my own 'miss Sichuan, this is Mr Chen our new international marketing executive, he has tons of followers on Instagram Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and even more on tik-tok he'll attract more clients for the company, I have all the screenshots of his social media accounts miss Sichuan' Cindy said

'great I have no doubt he will let us down' I commented and he winked 'I will never nice to finally meet you miss Lin' 'my pleasure, we have to start as soon as today or tomorrow if you have to settle in, more clients are needed if you don't mind' I said 'of course I will just need the Wi-Fi password for the company and my office for me to start working on this' 'of course Cindy please show the gentleman to his office it is already prepared nice meeting you one more time Mr chen' 'pleasure'

You said standing up took my hand kissed the back of my palms then followed Cindy outside, I set back on my chair to catch-up with my breaths, yes since he walked in I haven't breathed properly he gave me weird feelings I've never felt this way for anyone before not even Wang

I already thought of marrying him but snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I remembered he was my employee nothing more, I went back to work getting back to my papers

About 7 hours later I was walking down outside already out of the company building I couldn't see the car that usually waits for me I kept looking around for it but still nothing then my phone started ringing it was Dolma I quickly picked up and she spoke as soon as I connected 'listen the car is with Yang, and the other is busy with mum and Zhang with the others not available I suggest you take a cab maybe' 'alright thank you I will do that please take care and bye' I said and she hanged up immediately

My aim was to go outside but a men stopped me, it was a similar voice I've heard it before of course it was chen 'need a ride home' 'no thanks' I akwardly declined 'please I promise to to drive safely' he insisted which made me do giggle and didn't have an option but accept his offer

About 2 minutes later we were already in the car with him driving slowly, I didn't complain though as my mind was a million miles from me, he continued driving then stopped by a ice cream truck 'what's your favourite flavour?' he asked without even asking whether I eat ice cream or not but I responded 'vanilla' he nodded then ordered

Minutes later

we were in the middle of nowhere still in the car peacefully eating our icecream, we ate silently but was broken as soon as I felt his fingers caressing the side of my mouth I was Abit taken by the moment so just froze until he spoke 'sorry you got' he said pulling his hands away 'ice cream' 'oh yeah thanks' I said trying to clean my lips to the place he demonstrated on his

'no I cleaned it already, you just have....auch!!' he said then fell on top of me as he tried to clean my lips which landed him on top of me, I stared in his eyes and he did in mine without saying a word