Double Flash Marriage

'no I cleaned it already, you just have....auch!!' he said then fell on top of me as he tried to clean my lips which landed him on top of me, I stared in his eyes and he did in mine without saying a word

After a few awkward minute I pulled away and Appologised 'ah sorry' 'Sorry no I'm sorry miss Lin' 'I want to go home now it's late' I said and he nodded 'sure, let's go' he responded and started the engine we drove in complete silence accept for country music

An hour later

Chen dropped me home thirty minutes ago and was now on my bed coming from the shower, i couldn't help but think of Wang, what was he going Through now is he crying? All this questions made me feel really guilty but ignoring all this I tried to work, i texted Chen

"Hello Mr Chen" I simply texted and he responded within seconds, i didn't even expect his response "how are you miss Lin?" "I'm great, sorry for disturbing I just wanted to know 6our full name, you're my employee after all" I texted I re-read it maybe ten times before sending it, i thought he'll be offended calling him an employee netherless he answered "Chengxian Zhejian, but call me Chen" "alright then Chen, I'm Lin please call me that when it's just the two of us, deal?" "Deal, I'm calling" in no time I heard my phone ring which was an incoming call from Chen, i picked up instantly

I was still on a call with Chen before I heard a knock on the door, we were tarking abaut bussiness but in the end ended up flirting, i disconnected as soon as I heard the knock on my door I didn't just crazily disconnect it I ofcourse came up with an excuse and told me to call me back later, i rushed to the door side and opened it

It turned out to be my little sister dolma at the door, i let her in as soon as I realised the pillow she was holding in her hands, i took her to my bedside which I rarely sleep like I usually sleep on the couch as i overwork I always end up sleeping on the couch yes I am that nerd who's always working, in my school days I would always wake up at four just to revise the homework I already did at school and revised a million times, I'll study hard on my couch that i end up falling asleep there, so my bed was rarely used

'Can I sleep here with you tonight' she asked 'yes but what happened?' 'I dreamt you brought a new apartment and moved out, i could come with you but you lived with your husband not that I'm complaining no I really want you to be happy so it's okay if you move out tomorrow' she confessed 'but baby that's ridiculous, you know I like wang and he's marrying Zhang and I'm happy with that too, so me moving out is insane' I said Al though I wish her dream came true one day, but no I'm a nerd nobody accept Wang wants me but since I turned him away guess single is my bestfriend now

'It migjt not be Wang sis' 'What?' 'Nothing, let's sleep now, I'm tired' she complained, i nodded, comfortably laid her in my bed as i followed and covered her and myself with the duvet 'goodnight' she said bringing her head on my arm as i pulled her close then started slowly playing with her hair 'goodnight too my love' I said still playing with her hair

In no time I heard her snore which I was sure she has fallen asleep Already, i was abaut to fall asleep too then my phone start ringing, i picked up and the person spoke 'are you already asleep miss Lin?' I realised the person was Chen as soon as I heard his voice 'yes, I'm dosing and already in bed, tark tomorrow okay' 'alright goodnight miss Lin, although the last detail might be important I think' he said which made me curious, yes I love work I even wake-up In the middle of the night if it's work related duty

'Alright so tell me the important detail' 'well as a jewelry company it needs modelers, the people who would show off your goods to the world to attract customers, this people should be influencers on social platforms like IG, Facebook, Tiktok and so on..we need to find them and some should be from here within Korea so we are able to take pictures of them to include in our magazine so thought of letting you know before anything else what do you say?'

Ofcourse that's a great idea, meet me tomorrow at a coffee shop so we discus this please' I said 'ofcourse see you tomorrow then' he responded with excitement in his voice 'chen my sister's family get together party will be this Saturday and the one organising it I'm not supposed to go to work till it's over, so us meeting is a bussiness date only okay nothing special' 'oh sure nothing special, me getting to see you is enough for me okay miss Lin' 'alright then, can I ask you for a favor' 'yes go on' 'can we be friends?' I plainly asked 'sure! So friends?' 'Friend's! One more deal, no miss unless in front of employees even so, we're friends let's drop the miss title' I suggested 'okay it's the second time you're asking me that so I'll comply with the rules, Lin' he said

You don't know how sexy my name sounded coming from his mouth, I've never felt the way I was feeling now not even for Wang, I felt the need to be with him in another way but hey I had to stay strong he sure showed some hints that he really liked me but I'm still inlove with Wang and wouldn't dare betray him as he loves me too I'm the one pushing him to Zhang so staying single is the best option 'Lin are you there, i guess you're dosing see you tomorrow' 'yes goodnight Chen' 'candy dreams' he added then i hanged up, feeling at peace I dont know for what weird reasons but slept peacefully not thinking abaut work as usual

It was the Saturday night the day of the get together family party, Zhang and Wang already signed their marriage certificate yesterday they had a flash marriage, Zhang already moved in with Wang they just came to the get together party, they both looked truly happy with Wang pretending like to have never seen me before and my sister smiling like she just won a lottery

Everyone was having a great time except for me, i took another drink I escaped everyone I was sitting in the garden with my three bottle of wine, one was already down two more to go

A beautiful blonde women appeared whom I recognized as Wang's mother, she have always been against my friendship with her son 'hello Lin, how do you do?' She greeted in fluent English I'm greet and you Mrs Huang' 'I couldn't be more happier, my son just got married to the sweetest girl ever, now I'll not need to worry abaut him coming to you at night or convince him to fly out of the country just to keep him away from him you know' she confessed

I don't know why this women hated me so much, she'll visit me at college just to scold me, she really embarrassed me everytime she saw me I grew to be scared of her but not anymore 'if you're so happy then why come and talk to me when I'll add more stress toyour health, you always say i bring stress to you' I rudely snapped 'oh yeah honey I'm glad you still remember how evil I can be, i saw you walk out and realised you weren't really happy for them, i want you to stay away from them especially now that my grandchild is on the way, the way you were looking at my son proved you still have some stupid feelings for him which I don't want okay' she threatened

I didn't respond i was out of words for this women, she's just that monster mother inlaw people watch in movies which I've watched through YouTube with my little sister dolma, I stood quietly staring at the glass of wine I was holding then she continued seeing my muteness taking me as weak 'and most importantly stay away from my son' 'well did you hear my wife force your son to chase her around or just your sons obsession with my wife?' A strange manly voice asked which made me shiver as i looked up

It was Chen, i forgot I invited him to the party yesterday during our meeting, you might be confused abaut the wife word, well yes he's my husband we got married yesterday same day, i needed a bussiness partner to help me manage the company as my family just threw it on me, dad runs the car manufacturer company which is ours too but the jewelry company was for my mom it was natural I took over which I explained already

I saw Chen was a great bussiness man so decided to marry him that way we'll conventionally manage it with no questions from the press and dad and especially my step mom, since I wasn't up for love i guess marrying him was for the best, my family still don't know a thing abaut it but will tell them soon after my sisters party I don't want to ruin her party with my surprise which I'm sure my mom won't like as she wanted me to marry the man she could choose for me, she was too late now right?