The princess selection

The party was ended early due to all the drama that had taken place in the ballroom. The guests had gone home with so much gossip to share with those who hadn't attended the engagement party.

Those with daughters were happy and excited with the king's announcement. They went home very early to prepare for the princess selection the very next day.

Jason followed the crown prince to get his confession. They had gotten engaged and he didn't has to worry about a single thing anymore. He had every right to ask the man for his confession.

He wanted to hear how the crown prince will express his feelings. His heart would flutter at the thought of the words that he would hear him say.

He got to the lake, the crown prince stood under a very big tree holding the stem of the tree with one hand. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"I will surprise him," he thought excitedly as he stealthily approached the male.