The princess selection (2)

Jason veered around the bed not able to fall asleep. He was deep in thought, the thoughts of the crown prince ran through his mind. 

Things had gotten better, everyone was accepting of their relationship if he could call it that. But the male had suddenly changed and treated him like he didn't matter.

They had gotten close yet seemed to be far apart. Nothing made him happier than knowing that the crown prince belonged to him. But even then he felt a little lonely, he was missing the crown prince's soothing voice and his angel eyes looking at him like he was the only man in the world. 

His heart was beating for the man, he couldn't be still knowing that his love was angry at him. The worst part is that he didn't know what he had done wrong. 

He replayed everything that had happened in his head trying to figure out at what point the crown prince's attitude changed. But he couldn't spot what the problem was.