[Bonus chapter] The princess selection (3)

Jason got up very early in the morning. The sun had yet risen in the sky when he got up. He rushed towards the kitchen of the palace to get started on his mission. 

Out of fear, he had let Davion down and he was going to make it up to him. Breakfast in bed sounded like the best way to start the day after going to bed angry. 

He bumped into Winrus in the halls. The man had the crown prince's food in his hands carrying it to the room. "Sorry your highness, the mistake was mine," Winrus apologized. 

"Is that for Davy?" Jason inquired of him. Winrus nodded his head to acknowledge and give him a reply. "Give it to me, I will hand it to him," Jason ordered. 

Winrus raised the tray of food and handed it to him. Jason was not just royalty but he was officially engaged to the crown prince. Winrus didn't feel like he had a choice in the matter, not that he wanted to serve the crown prince his food.