A clouding sensation

Jason and Davy stood side by side with each other in silence. There were so many words to be said that remained unspoken by both of them. 

It was holding them from taking a step from each other. Jason had things that he wanted to say and Davy was interested in learning what the man had to say. 

Conflicted they remained there standing in awkward silence. 

Davy took a step closer to Jason. Seeing as the man wasn't going to speak, he decided to do so himself. He closed the distance between them so that he didn't have to speak in a raised voice. 

Jason feeling nervous by the sudden movement from the man found his feet taking a step back. Davy moved to close the new distance created by Jason only for the man to move back once again. 

Jason kept moving back until he hit his back on the pillar. Davy was forced to follow him and just to make certain that he doesn't run away. Davy trapped him on between his arms at the pillar.