I'm seeing someone else

Jason's p.o.v

"Just admit it," I pressed. 

Davy shook his head walking away from me. The younger male is way too stubborn for my liking. It wouldn't kill him to just accept the truth for what it is. 

"Why won't you accept the truth?" I inquired refusing to drop the subject. I know that we have had our differences but I had seen it in his eyes. 

There was no need for him to pretend that it didn't matter to him. I know that the truth is something different. 

"Just because you think it's true doesn't mean that it is," he said. 

I chased after him. I refuse to accept his pathetic excuses. I know what I saw and heard. It wasn't just my thinking but the truth. I couldn't accept his denial. 

"I know that I am telling your truth," I uttered firmly. 

"It doesn't matter what you think. Once I am done I'm leaving," Davy said not breaking his resolve.