Stuck in the novel

"Who is it?" Jason asked for the millionth time. 

Davion ignored him. He had to hand it to Jason, the man had grown resilient. Jason had followed him around the whole day asking the same question. 

Each time hoping and expecting an answer from him. The man had exhausted his energy. Davy never knew how hard it was to just go by ignoring someone, it was hard work, especially with the person being ignored refusing to take the hint. 

The fact that Jason wasn't giving up made his head hurt. He walked into the room, the day was a complete fail. He neither got to work on finding the problem in the novel and with Jason around taking his ear off, he found that he could use some rest. 

A relaxing long lasting bath sounded like the perfect solution to his problem. He walked straight to the bathroom since the crown prince loved taking many baths a day. His pool was always with clean water.