Touching a prince's belongings

Jason ran out of the room. He was suffocated being around Davy at that moment. Everything was going wrong and no one was giving him space to breath. 

It didn't feel right. The only thing that he wanted was some peace and quite with no heart attacks. 

His feet rushed away from the room. He was trying very hard to convince himself that he was strong enough to go through everything that was coming at him. 

But how was he supposed to stop his heart from breaking into a million pieces. He wanted to direct his anger and hatred at Winrus for turning the tables on him and breaking him and Davy apart. 

Yet, there was a part of him that believed that the fault of their relationship falling apart fell on him. It was drowning him to think that he had once again lost. 

His visage was clouded with the tears that was threatening to flow down his face. His chest was on fire, a flame burnt at his heart making it hard to breath.