It's crown prince Davion

Davy, Jason, Winrus, Amaru, and Malcer stood in front of the king's room nervously. The council was discussing an important matter that had been discovered by the royal physician. 

As such, they all were expected to wait for the decision to be made before they could be allowed inside. The queens grandmother was the only part of the royal family that was allowed into the room. 

The feeling of worry ate at their hearts as they waited. The fate of their lives depended on the meeting inside the room. 

Jason and Winrus paced around in fear. No one knew why they were summoned or what the people inside the room were talking about. It didn't help that they were told little to nothing and simply asked to stand there and wait. 

With every second that passed by the more worried they all got. It was hard to imagine what fates were being decided behind the closed doors. 

"Stop that, you both are making me dizzy," prince Amaru let out in a tired tone.