
The hate runs deep

His eyes flicked down to her lips. Maybe all he felt for Renee was just pure attraction. She came off really sweet but if Aaron was right this could be all a facade. Zayn definitely liked her in a way but not romantically. Things between them were mostly physical and he could fathom pursuing anything else with her due to the drama around them. She came to talk to him about everything that happened recently but he stopped listening to her and looked at how her glossy lip formed words.

"Are you listening to me, Zayn?" Renee asked, realizing what was going on.

"Huh?!" He was a bit startled and turned his attention back to her. "Yeah, of course. Sorry, I just zoned out for a bit." He felt so embarrassed for staring at her in that light but he couldn't help it.

"It's fine." She said looking down at her hands. "I'm really sorry for what I did and how I treated you. It was a shitty move and I was trash for that and I hope we can move past this and you can forgive me." He wasn't on the same page. It was an awful past few weeks and it made him insecure and he couldn't find it in him to let it be.

"Um… I don't- I don't think I could… you know, forget that. It was a horrible time and you put both of us in such an uncomfortable situation and you orchestrated an even worse situation with my friend so I don't think we can't move past this." Zayn shook his head and put hands up backing away making some space between them.

"Wait Zayn I'm really sorry. I had no ill intentions at first but it was impulse and-"

"Inpulse makes us do stupid things but honestly if my whole ass was gonna be on the internet I would take a double take. It was stupid and you had all the power not to make that situation but you still did. I still can't tell if you slept with me to lure Dani out or slept with me with the intention to embarrass me with the video or both but the whole thing was disgusting. Because I feel no shame with the act of showing my body. I was not embarrassed but you felt it for sure right?" Zayn delivered that last line with a smirk while holding back the laugh he wanted to let out. She held a stare on him which meant she was deeply offended and taken aback but Zayn didn't care at the moment. She was wasting his time. Her gaze fell on someone behind Zayn catching his attention. He turned to see Aaron at the bottom of the stairwell glaring at Renee. Something was definitely up. What the fuck?

"Kiss me." Zayn didn't have time to think before he was pulled into locking lips with Renee. It was better than before so it was pleasant but he had to push her away as this wasn't an ideal situation.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked, licking his lips.

"I would like to ask the same." Aaron walked up to the two and alarm bells were going off in Zayn's head. He didn't know if to stay or go but he could tell this was gonna be a shit show. He just had an idea the two didn't like each but didn't know to what extent.

"Okay, what is going on?"

"You stay out of this, Zayn." Aaron said, pushing him out of the way. Zayn was a bit taken aback. Aaron never picked the fights he always mediated or was pulled into them and like clockwork it always involved Saintclair in some way. He felt the need to get between them as he had no clue what was going on but it seemed big with the glaring going on between the two mostly because of Aaron's reaction.

"No, I won't." Zayn said getting back in between them again. "I won't let you two fight."

"This doesn't concern you, Zayn." Renee said, trying to push him out of the way.

"Does this have anything to do with Saintclair?" They both snapped towards Zayn at the mention of his name. From the conversation they had a few days ago, it came off as if Aaron wasn't angry with Renee but disappointed but it seems there was some anger.

"This is so much more than that."

"Oh really? Because I'm irritated because of what you did this weekend." Renee visibly became nervous. "Oh, you thought I didn't know Renee? Aubrey told me and I can't believe you pulled that shit." Aaron was boiling with anger. He had no trust in her but felt like he deserved some respect.

"What exactly did I do?" Renee asked, trying to play coy.

"You know exactly what you did." He was fuming.

"No, I don't, so why don't you tell me?" she asked with an attitude.

"As soon as Saintclair broke up with me, you went straight to his house and fucked him." Aaron was yelling at this point.

"I did and what's the problem?" She asked, crossing her arms. "You two are done so why does it matter?"

"It matters because He was my boyfriend minutes, hours before. You bragged about it to our mutual friend like I wouldn't know. I freaking hate that you always think that all the stuff you do can be justified. This is just fucked up." He was beyond angry.

"You two broke up. I didn't do anything wrong." She shrugged her shoulders.

"You're unbelievable." He shook his head in disbelief and started walking away. "You're the worst person I know and you have no sense of loyalty or respect."

"I could say the same." She crossed her arms and got down to sit on the stairs watching Aaron angrily walk away.

"Renee, that was awful."

"But I wasn't wrong. They were over and he asked me to come over. It is what it is. It already happened and if he wants something with me let it be." She said smugly. Zayn shook his head and took off behind Aaron.

"Are you okay?"

"Obviously no. I am hurt right now and I received an insensitive confession around the same time. I would rather die right now." Aaron frustratingly passed a hand through his hair.

"Confession?" Aaron tusked at the question.

"Aubrey confessed to me last night and it was honestly not the best time." Aaron seemed really pissed off, he was seething inside. "Fuck, I hate this." Aaron passed around in a circle sighing and shaking his head. "I didn't need that sprung on me especially since he kissed me, I thought it was the heat of the moment but it felt so… planned."

Zayn was feeling a type of way. He felt jealousy bubbling up inside him. He could feel envy rushing through him. Envy because Aubrey confessed and because he didn't have the confidence to do a confession of his own. He felt bitter on the inside hearing him detail what happened with Aubrey.

"Don't you think his confession was well timed? Saintclair and Renee sleep together and he confesses to you? It's weird right?" Aaron looked over to Zayn questioningly before putting the two together.

"No, I don't think he would do that to me. You think they're scheming? He's my friend he would never." Aaron choked up for a bit. It felt like a punch. Zayn patted him on the back but that wasn't comforting in the slightest it was pitiful and it angered him. "No. I need to go." Aaron shoved his arm away and walked off in the direction of their class.