
More things I didn't know

"You know I don't get it. Since you told me it's just been repeated in my mind and I can't help but ask why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you like Aaron?" Zayn paused and turned to her slowly as his food hung off his fork.

"Why do I like him?" Zayn laughed to himself as he considered it himself. Why would he like someone who brought so much despair to him? "I… don't know. I don't know, he was just there and he's handsome in my opinion. He was just likable. I can't help it."

"I still don't get it though. For so long he's been a nuisance, always been competitive and shit then you started hanging out together and then boom you fell?" Lorel as she gestures everything dramatically.

"I caught feelings. Maybe he might not be all that in your eyes but as things went on I just had this pull towards him that I hate that I have." He just knows it happened unexpectedly.

"But he isn't the best guy. I'm pretty sure what happened to Daniela was his fault."

"Which is why I can't have anything to do with him. He played with my feelings and took advantage of my vulnerability. Right now I feel like Aubrey's still antagonizing me even though there's nothing left to give. I just want peace but I'm afraid I'm just never gonna enjoy that." He stared off as he looked down at his new phone he didn't particularly want but his sister forced him to keep.

"You could have peace."


"Find dirt and throw it." His face looked confused at what she meant, figuratively or physically? "Everyone knows for sure he's in the chronicles he gets shit on all the time but if you actually knew who were in the chronicles it might have solved things. It might just be better. I could help." He did already have that info in the drive. All he had to do was use it to his advantage but he's been finding it hard to even begin that process.

"You didn't know about the forums? It's like fueled by the Chronicles and shit just pops up and people run with it. I feel like most of us spend a lot of time there. Like just today I've seen like 4 different posts about Chantelle either being a dick or using his. They were funny and People most likely would be talking about Aaron as of now because he's queer and exists." Lorel rambled to Zayn who heard this somewhat just earlier. "I'm surprised you didn't know about that. Like so many people get shitted on in there like you. I just thought you never talked about it because you don't care not because you didn't know. Just a few minutes ago I saw that video of you Ren- oh my god I forgot you said to not talk about it." Lorel holds a hand up to her lips to stop herself. He boy always thought he knew everything that was going on but more and more he was realizing he was totally out of the loop and in the dark. So much was going on and he never knew. "People don't particularly like you, sorry I know you have a problem with that but it's true. It's mostly because you're in association with Daniela and she has a hate train or whatever. Same on my end. Lesbians hate me cuz I'm bi people really hate you in this school if you rock both way it's either you're straight or gay. It's fucking crazy." Lorel was laughing to herself but Zayn only saw scariness in her words.

"Can we change the subject?"

"What I was getting at is you could probably figure out who the members are from reading the post on there and looking at their patterns." He doesn't need that. He knows who they are but he doesn't know if it was the time yet to let everything be known. "Thanks for that tifbit. Question have you been picked for the showcase?"

"No! Well not exactly, kinda I guess. I get to play a solo while they're showing off the centerpiece. I heard Christian's painting got picked. Last time I checked, that guy was terrible at painting. Like his skills suck ass but he got picked. I think that shit is abstract or some. I wanna see it." Lorel was right. Christian didn't have a talented bone other than when it comes to playing lacrosse. When he was required to pick a club and he chose Art they all assumed all he did was draw circles because every piece he showed his friends looked like something his little brother drew. They didn't know why he chose art as a club. His being chosen for the showcase seems far-fetched; maybe money was involved.

"Are you sure it's a painting? Could be a sculpture."

"Nah it's a painting, that's what i heard." Lorel shrugs and drives back into her food. "I really feel like we should see who they put center stage for these things because last year the people they chose did pure shit, not ngl. Like what did Danie do for her to be chosen? Her daddy slipped the principal a couple thousan-"

"Stop!" Zayn closed his eyes. "Why are you talking like that? Hold up. Don't do that Lo, Don't do that. I'm not angry with Dani, I have no problem other than Chantelle is a shitty person, what's yours?" Lorel didn't say anything, no excuse, no explanation. She sat across from him, eyes trained on his awaiting gaze but nothing came out. She made up her mind that she and Daniela will never see eye to eye. She didn't like how they ended their friendship and she could admit she was partly in the wrong but felt hurt by her words. "You sound like everyone else." Zayn clipped his tongue and rose out of his seat sticking his hands into his pants pockets in irritation. "I might talk to you later."

He stalked out of the lunchroom with a scrunched up expression. He made his way into the bathroom and sat on the limited counter space and stuck in his airpods. No one was particularly in there which was good because he wanted to be alone but that peace he thought of wouldn't last forever because the devil was strolling in.

Chantelle came into the bathroom and lit up when he saw Zayn sitting there listening to music with a stoic expression. He lined up at the urinal and looked back when he realized his presence wasn't disturbing the other. He creased his brow and turned back to his business but sheer disappointment was brewing. He turned back to the boy who seemed not to care and pouted.

"Hey, hey! Snipes! Hey look at me!" Zayn continued not to care or seemed not to hear him. He didn't even have anything to taunt Zayn with but he was disappointed he didn't roll his eyes or anything. "Are you depressed or sum'" Yet again he was met by silence. He finished his business and walked up to Zayn and pulled out one side.

"You just pissed and you're touching my property. Buzz off." Chantelle smiled and pitched the earphone he held in his hand across the room and proceeded to wash his hands. It slid under a stall door and that made Zayn turn to glare at him.

"You okay? You seem… sad today."

Zayn rolled his eyes and wiped out a wet wipe to clean his airpod. "Leave me alone." He wasn't in the mood for Chantelle's faux sympathy and mocking today.

"Oh and Danie did tell me, you told her about earlier and still I don't mind but just tell me so I can be on my A game."

"Why are you like that?"

"Like what?" Chantelle laughed.

"You're so- Ugh! Disgusting, you're disgusting. She deserves better than you in all honesty. You're with her but have a myriad of other hoes? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Chantelle shrugs and smiles into the mirror while Zayn stands there with a scowl on his face.

"Disgusting? I'm just upfront about it. You can't expect any better from others when you already set the precedent of how she should be treated. She knows and she is my girlfriend." Chantelle laughs to himself which enrages Zayn even more. "I know she deserves better but you act like you're any better. I've come to realize, we're one in the same." Zayn took a deep breath and held back the urge to punch Chantelle as of now. They weren't the same. People compared them from the start but if they looked closely they had no other similarities than their flirting tactics and antics.

"Shut the fuck up." Zayn slammed the door on the way out alarming some students who were standing near. He stomped his way to class which he spent the rest of his day with an irritated expression written all over his face.