
chapter 1: Enter the arena

"men i can't believe i use flame attacks against those thugs *sigh* im too weak".

*knock on a door* "hey old man im home".


"hey bastard open the door!".


"*sigh* come on old man its a rough week".

"..... oh..what?..who are?...".

"its akira. said with a bored expression".

"oh its the brat well wait a minute".

"ive been waiting for 10 minutes... come on!".

"yeh yeh here i am".

*door opens*

"what the..have you got in to a fight again".

this is izo or so called my master he trained me how to fight and how to use my flame techniques and he's also the one who raise me since my father died.

"i just beat up thugs along the way".

"*sigh* well come in and take a shower you smell like crap".

*water pouring in to him* "damn how can i become strong".

*looks to his hand*


"son...you must train to be strong...to protect people you care so much....to help people who are in danger....you need to let your heart burn".

*opens eyes*

"dad what the hell were you saying back then".

"hurry up brat your wasting water".

*akira sits and grabs a bowl with rice*

"izo do you think i'll be strong?".

"well if your not lazy ofcourse, no one knows what a mere human is capable off".

"hmm yeh your right".

"and by the way if you want to be strong i have this".

*izo grabs something from his pocket*

"what's that?".

"this is a ticket to a tournament next week,the grand prize will be 100000$".

"woah thats a lot what kind of tournament is that?".

"a fighting tournament,this will be a perfect event for you".

"yeh if win i'll be rich as hell".

*izo slaps akiras head*

"oww! what the hell!?".

"you fool the money is nothing,the most important thing here is your battles".

"this will allow us to see if your strong enough to even face other warriors".

"ohhh well that makes sense,from entering that i can be much stronger".

"yeah whatever you say".

"thanks old man i'll go find some thugs on the street for practice partners".

"later".*as akira run to the city*

*sigh* "i hope he becomes strong in time".

"i don't know if he can beat those things yet".

*as izo looks at the sky with a worried expression*


*akira is looking for some thugs on the streets*

"damn looks like its a nice night today".

*someone walks and bumps akiras shoulder*

"hey what the hell watch where you going".

*akira said angrily*

"oh sorry my bad. as the man continues to walk away".

"man that guy looks shady".

*suddenly theres a sound of a loud car alarm*

"huh...what was that".

*mumbling noise*

"what the heck".

*akira is stun as he see a guy with a red headband choking a carjacker*.

"oh is he your backup?".

*the man said*

"backup?...wait who the hell are you?".

"sorry but no thug is worthy to know my name".

*the man suddenly dash to akira and launch a punch but akira block it*

(this dude is fast)

*akira thought*

"no thug has ever blocked my attack your insane".

*the man step back*

"this guy is good".

"well then give me your best shot".

*the man said with a smirk*

"oh you cocky bastard".

akira jump and attempt to do a head kick but the man dodge it.

and the man counter with a right hook but akira block it again.

akira steps back

both are exhausted

akira begins to charge but the man jump and tries to launch a punch to the head hitting akira.

damn....that hurt.

the man smiled*

heh your pretty good for a thug.

im not a thug you bastard.

well lets see about that.

the man dash and punch akira to the stomach.

agh....why you.

akira counter with a left hook hitting the man to the face.

spit blood*

that was a nice punch.

you haven't seen nothin yet

akira smile*

suddenly theres a sound of police siren*

tsk well i hope i get to fight you again.



the man runs to the dark alley way then vanish.


hey freeze don't move.

*guns point to akira*


flame art:incinerate

akira creates a wall of fire to block the police

phew that was close.

akira walking exhausted*

men,that guy was good.

what guy?.

izo ask behind akira.

what hell! you freak me out where did you come from?.

i was buying groceries how about you?.

you look beat up than usual.

both walking home

oh so you encounter a good fighter i see.

yeh he was good but i got him to you know.

well yes but if the cops didn't arrive you would have lost.


akira why didn't you use your flame art.

cause i didn't want him to fly away like the other thugs i fought.

do not worry about that now your still training your fire is not even strong enought to cook meat.

ehh shut up.

well since this is your first defeat i will gladly train you about the other flame arts your father used.

wow really!?.

yes if only you stop being lazy.


day 1 of training

akira you must burn this huge tree under a minute.

okay okay lets do this.

flame art incinerate.

what the its not burning?!.

ofcourse not you must focus.

okay okay

flame art incinerate

it didn't burn again?.


damn this is hard.

5 hours have pass

breathe out*

flame art: incinerate

tree burning*

akira sat down

i did it!.

day 2

you must defeat me in a hand to hand combat do you understand.


okay lets go.

akira charging at izo.

ahhhh take this.

izo dodge a punch from akira and counter with a knee to the stomach.

agh that..that hurts.


okay okay i need to focus to beat the old man i can do this.

hey take this!.

akira launch a right hook.

this is tiring.

izo easily cathes the punch.


izo uppercut ikari with a force that send him flying to a tree.

god damn it.


izo kick akira in the face.


izo step on akiras feet.

oww damn it!.


4 hours has pass.

breathing heavily.

you tired already?.

ofcourse its been 4 hours old man!.

damn it i can't even land a hit.


akira close his eyes think for a strategy.

wait a minute.

okay old man lets do it.

oh your not giving up yet.

ofcourse not.

here i go.

akira rushes towards izo.

this again *sigh* you never learn.

heh...flame art

izo shock*


izo block it with his hands.

what the... i said only hand to hand.

well old man.

ikari appears at the smoke.

the enemy isn't going to play nice anyway so why do rules?.

akira launches a punch at izo so hard that it makes him kneel.

heh...you one dirty brat.

izo said with a smile*

i know...thanks...

day 3

now to create new attacks you must be creative.

imagine you abilities.

and take advantage of your flames.

here is a practice dummy destroy it with a new attack.

i'll be watching from back there.

izo walks away.

okay...lets do this.

akira close his eyes and tries to imagine an attack.

30 minutes have pass

no.. not that one.

well this one looks cool.

wait what about this.

hey akira don't overthink it focus and create what you really want.

okay what i really want.

akira thinks of a food.

a donut.

ohh really want a donut right now.

wait a donut thats it.

man what is that kid taking so long.

i got it.

akira opens his eyes and hold his hands together to create a circle and..

okay lets do this.

flame art: flare blitz

a ball of 6 small flames launch at the

practice dummy exploding it.

heh that was cool.

well then how about that.

5 days later

crowd cheering*

people talking*

akira looks at the tournament ring*

wow this is gonna be an insane tournament.

akira then sees someone he's familiar with.

huh wait thats the guy who i bump the other day.

okay people im ian carter im the host for todays tournament this time we have atleast 8 fighters ready to win 100000$ prize so sit back relax and wait for the fighters to get ready.

okay okay lets do this.

as akira is getting ready the man he bump shoulders with the other day is glaring at him menacingly.