
chapter 2: A fierce duel

"okay okay this is it keep calm deep breathe lets do this".

"fighters make your appearance!".

as the 8 fighters show themselves to the stage

crowd begans to cheer and fireworks explodes to the sky.

akira looks around amaze from the scenery.

he's getting excited for the battle.

"damn im getting goosebumps".

"okay fighters i will give you 5 minutes to setup and after that you will introduced yourself and your fighting style".

someone taps akiras shoulder.

"huh what is it"?.

"hello are you a new fighter too?".

the girl in a pink dress ask politely.

"ahh yeh i am....uhm who are you?".

"oh my name is hana moriko nice to meet you".

"hi my name is akira homura".

akira says awkwardly.



"uhm is there a problem about my surname?"

"hmm it just sound familiar".

"ehh really".

"hmm nevermind i forgot".

"by the way are you strong?".

hana ask.

"ahh not really i just got beat up by sone thugs the other day hehe."

akira says embarrassingly.

(what the hell why did i say that she must think im a stupid weakling damnit!!)

"oh really that thug must be a very skilled fighter or maybe he cheated".


"yes maybe because he cheated hehe."

"don't worry you will beat him next time".

*akira smiles* "you bet i will"

(i hope i wont see that guy ever again)

"oh by the way what was the thug look like?".


"the thug that beat you what does he look like?".

"oh he wear a stupid red headband had a white t shirt and a red vest with jeans".

"oh you mean contestant 5 over there".

"huh yeh he look like that guy...."

"what the hell is he doing here!".

"he was the thug that beat you right?".

"huh what no way maybe its just a coincidence HAHAHA".

akira laughs nervously.

"he's totally the thug that beat your ass".

"well thats okay i believe in you today akira do your best".


(man this day can't get any worst)

*loud noises from the crowd*

"huh what hell is that?".

akira and hana look at the crowd and saw izo drunk cheering for akira.

"wow that old guy is energetic, do you know him?".

"i wish i don't".

"letss goo akira! *burp* beat there ass".

"damn it old man".

akira said embarrissingly,while hana laughing at the scenery.

"well i have to prepare for the fight see you later akira good luck".

"see you later nice meeting you".

"okay lets see our fighters!".

contestant 1

"my name is akira homura and my fighting style is flame arts".

the man he bump the other day aka constestant 4 stares at him more aggressively.

contestant 2

"my name is hana moriko my fighting style is

art of the pink blossom".

constestant 3

"my name is kaze yamazaki my fighting style is art of the fiery hurricane".

contestant 4

"the name is kanji hitodama my fighting style is private".

"wow thats not valid mister hitodama we need to know you fighting style".

the announcer ask.

"i said its private!".

kanji say angrily making the crowd silent.

"ah..uhm okay mister hitodama we will keep it private hehe".

announcer laughs nervously.

"what the heck is that guys problem?."

"his aura is hot".

"huh you can see peoples aura hana?."

"yes this one of my arts it let me show peoples aura around them and akira your aura is burning hot aswell".

"ehh well hehe".

contestant 5

"my name is torashi kagami my fighting style is mirror art".

(what kind of a dumbass fighting style name is that) akira thought to himself.

contestant 6

"im jabelin drax the worlds strongest fighter MUAHAHHA and my fighting style is human strenght of death art".

(what the hell no one told me theres gonna be a dweeb in here) akira thought.

contestant 7

"i am the great devilman my fighting style is fire of destiny!".

(well that guy is also deppressed, now whos the last one) akira thought.

*akiras eyes begins to wide*

that.. guy..

akira whats wrong?.

hana ask.


*hana is looking at akira being concern*

what akira?.

he looks damn COOL

contestant 8

my name is ultimate ninja master my art of fighting is stealth.


*akira being amaze*

*hana confused*

look at his armor and cape its black like an assassin!.


*hana is still confused*

thats the coolest armor ive ever seen!.

*akira eyes sparkling over the armor*

*sigh* i will never understand boy.

:okay all contestant the computer will shuffle all your names and it will tell us who are you going against understood."

*computer shuffling the name*

"i hope i get to fight the ninja guy".

*while saying that akira prays for his wish*

"hmm since i fought that akira guy last day i was not impressed so i hope i get to fight that kanji dude heh".

*torashi said to himself*


*kaze yamazaki is thinking about those two*

"and here it is folks!".

*the announcer shouts*

the first battle will be....

akira homura vs ...

(please be the ninja please be the ninja)

*akira still praying*.

akira homura vs torashi kagami.

*crowd cheers*

*akira jawdrop on what he saw*

"wow akira your the first one who's going to fight i wish you goodluck".

*hana said happily*


"the two fighters please enter the stage!".

*sigh* "well i guess its a rematch"

*torashi said*

*both fighters walking to the stage*

"gooo! akira beat hes ass!".

*izo yelled*

*torashi waving at the crowd with a smile*

(this fucking sucks)

akira thought.

"okay fighters the rules are simple the first one who raise his hand and say i give up or the first one to fall out of the ring loses, understood?".

"now the match...BEGIN!".

"well so your name is akira huh".

"and your name is torashi".

"*tsk* i really didn't want you to know my name since you are not worthy but..it cant be help".

"oh you cocky bastard then why dont we just start?".

"i agree".

*both begins their fighting pose*


akira shouts as he head towards torashi.

"eat this!".

(hmm he's gonna jump and will try to head kick me again just like last time well i guess losers never learn).

*torashi thought then smiled*

*akira jumps*

(just as i thought).

akira tries to head kick torashi but torashi easily avoids it.

"heh i really can't believe you got to know my name".

torashi tries to hit akira with a left hook but akira grabs his hand mid air and spin his body to hit torashi with his other leg.

"what the-".


"a direct hit from torashi".

the announcer said.

"that hurt my back you bastard".

"heh not so cocky now aint yah".

"oh im gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you akira!".

"lets dance then torashi"

torashi dash to akari hitting him in the stomach.

"hes...hes fast".

after torashi punch him in the stomach he then uppercut him and while in mid air torashi jumps and kick him to the stomach bringing akira to the ground.

*torashi landing*

"is that all you got?".

(heh damn it hurts)akira thought.

"oh im just getting started".

akira said with a smile.

"then don't keep me waiting".

torashi dash towards akira ready punch him to the face.


akira thought.

akira stands up and catches torashis punch.

(no way)

torashi thought.

akira then hit torashi with his right hand bringing him to the ground.

*breathes heavily*

"im not done yet".

akira then pick torashi up and headbutts him making him dizzy.

"argh why you-".

then akira grabs his shoulders and knee him to the stomach and after that he roundhouse kicks him to the chest and sent him flying to the ground.


"that was close".

"that was a nice combo akira".

(no way).

akira shock as torashi starts to stand up.

"guess i have to use my art style huh".

"wait that wasn't your fighting style?"

*akira mildliy confused*

"ofcourse not thats just how i practice".

"well then *torashi starts to stretch* shall we be serious?".

"*pant* lets go".

*both stares at each other*

(well if he isn't gonna move then i'll go)

akira thought.

akira begins to run towards torashi but torashi also begin to head towards akira.

*akira begins to wonder why did he start moving now*


akira tries to launch a side kick but torashi counters it with also a side kick.


*both begins to step back*


akira tries to attack with a straight jab but torashi counters it with also a straight jab.

"what heck".

akira tries to swing a left hook but torashi block it again with a left hook

*torashi looks down*

torashi then kicks akiras right leg making him unbalanced then strikes him with a heavy punch to the chest.

*blood comes out from akiras mouth*.

*akira then falls to the ground*

*a mumble sound of a crowd screaming*

*a sudden voice was heard*

"son you need to be strong"

*akira then stands up*

"how could you stand up after that critical conditioned?!".

*torashi shockingly ask*

"flame arts: incenerate"

akira then blows torashi away with a huge wall of flame.

"fire?...this is your fighting style?!".

*torashi ask has hes being blown away*

"torashi then drop to the floor".

"wow what a nice attack".

*hana said as shes being amaze*

at the hallway kanji saw akiras attack and gets furius.

*crowd begins to cheer*

"*panting* its wise to give up torashi".

"like i'll give up to you *panting*".

(damn i didn't know he had a fighting style like that, how do i beat him i can't copy his fire my technique is to copy someones fighting style and using it at their advantage,this is bad).

"whats the matter torashi giving up already?".

*torashi having a flashback about pink flames*

"shut up i'll kill you!".

*torashi then run towards akira with a killing intent*

"heh well then i guess i get to use this ability".

2 days ago

"akira don't you know that you don't get burn with your own fire".

*izo said to akira while eating rice*

"well now that i thought of that your right i don't get burn from my own flames".

"so *starts eating rice* why dont you use that for your advantage?".

back to the present

(use that as my advantage heh old man sometimes your words make me smart).

flame arts-

*akira starts to punch the ground*


"what the hell is he doing?".

torashi said.

flame arts: eruption

*akira then cover his arms and legs with fire*

"tsk i'll just hit you before you hit me akira!".

torashi tries to punch akira to the face but akira catches it.

"ARGH!..it burns!".

akira then punches him with a right hook to the face 3 heavy jabs to the chest kick to the stomach and a finishing heavy punch to the face making him fly outside the stage and through the wall.

*flames disappears from akiras arms and legs*

"*pants* i won".

*akira said while falling to the ground*

*crowds cheering*

"thank goodness he won".

*hana said with a smile from her face*

.that kid is scary good thing he wasn't my opponent"

*ultimate ninja master said*

"thats my pupil! you bastards i taught him that attack MUAHAHHA!"

*izo shouts from the stage*

*kanji suddenly walks away from the scene*


well that was an amazing fight well now lets see our match 2 fighters

*computer shuffles*

kanji hitodama vs. jabelin drax

"fighters come out!"

*both fighters walks to the stage*

"okay both of you the rules is-".

"just shut up and let us fight dumbass we all know im gonna win anyway MUAHAHA".

*jabelin said confidently*

"oh okay sir you may begin to fight".

"finally im getting bored MUAHAHA".

"okay...lets end this quick".

*kanji said calmly*

"what did you say?!".

meanwhile at the resting place

"damn that hurts".

"akira that was a good fight!".

"hana what are you doing here the secobd match has started hasn't it?".

"thats okay i came here to see how are you doing".

*hana says with a smile*

"oh im feeling good since i won but still hurts tho".

"don't worry if you became more stronger you no one would ever scratch you just believe in yourself".

"hmm yeh thanks hana".

*akira said with a smile*

*hana replied with a smile*

*crowd suddenly start gasp*

"huh what happen?".

*akira ask*

"i don't know...wait i'll turn on the tv"

*hana then reach for the remote and turn the tv on*

*akira and hana gasp on what they saw*

at the stage kanji is holding jabelin to the face covered in blood.

*crowd starts to get worried*

*izo shock on what he witness*

"those....attacks impossible".

*jabelin breathing heavily*

*kanji glares at him*

"you're boring".