
chapter 6: Atlas the power stealer

*the sky begins to rain*

"akira homura the last known member of the legendary homura clan,one of the 4 great heroes from 1000 years ago,i am glad to see you again".

*atlas said to akira*

"you...im gonna enjoy beating the hell out of you".

*akira said with a angry expression*

"oh what a delightful thing to say".

*atlas said*

"you're welcome".

*akira said*

"but enough chit chat hana moriko is almost done so i must end this quickly".

*atlas said as he crack his fingers*

"hana....what did you do to her!?".

*akira ask*

"oh don't worry she's not dead yet im just gonna take her fighting art and transfer it to me then i will kill her".

*atlas said*

"you bastard".

"akira homura dont you know that hana morikos power is destructive that is why i pick her first before the both of you,if i didn't get her power it will be a waste to her,so why dont you just join me and be conquer this planet".

*atlas offers akira*

*akira smirk*

"why the hell would i join you?,first of all you fucking sucks,second of all i don't like being boss around and most importantly i won't let just stand by and let you kill hana".

"*sigh* your lost homura".

*atlas dash at akira kicking him to the stomach so had that it launches him throught a pillar*

*akira spits out blood*


"that bastard is strong"

*akira tries to stand up but atlas dash at him again grabbing him and throwing him to the arenas large tv*

*akira falls*

*atlas laughing*

"what's wrong akira?".

*atlas said*

*akira looks at atlas with pure anger and stands up*

flame art:eruption

*akira covered himself with fire*

flame art:flare blitz

*akira launch 6 fireballs at atlas*

*atlas smirk*

metal art: self buff

*atlas covered himself with strong metal for defensive and offensive purposes*

*atlas then run towards the 6 fireballs that akira launch and atlas tank it and didn't get any damage*

"*puffing*what the hell".

"you like this power homura?,i got this 1 year ago from the last champion of this tournament".

*atlas said with a smile*

"i'll show you more".

art of speed:boost

*atlas then dash so fast that akira couldn't see him*

"over here homura".

*atlas said behind akira*

*looks behind and steps back*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas then punch towards akira so hard that it created a shockwave that launch akira further and outside the arena*

*akira hits a building*

*spits blood*

*atlas laughs*

*akira then remembered that he got a buff from the golden cross*

*akira looks around to see if there is people around*

"are you looking for help homura?".

*atlas ask akira*

*akira stands up*

"no..i just think that it's time to let loose".

*akira said with a smile*

"oh really".

*atlas said as he dash towards akira*

flame art:incenirate

*akira blast a strong flame towards atlas hitting him and destroying his armor*

*atlas stumbles*

(what the...his flames got stronger)

*atlas thought*

"so you were holding back all this time".

*atlas said*

"well yeah do you think you can beat me? *laughs* well your just dreaming".

*akira said*

*atlas laughs*

"homura that dream will come true".

*atlas dash towards akira again*

flame art:eruption

*atlas and akiras punches collide as they try to hit each other*

*they both back off*

flame art: inferno launch

art of strenght: death blow

*akira dash towards atlas launching a powerful punch*

*atlas dash akira with also a powerful punch*

*both punches hit each other creating a hot and powerful shockwave in between the hit*

*both back off*

"i guess i can have fun with".

*atlas said with a smirk*

"yeah i know right".

*akira said with a smile*

*akira then dash towards atlas and punching him to the stomach with a flaming fist launching him to a nearby house*

"didn't see that one coming huh?".

*akira said*

*atlas standing up*

"don't get so cocky brat!".

*atlas dash towards akira but akira suddenly dash towards him aswell kicking him with a flaming leg throwing him hard to the ground*

*akira then jumps*

"eat this!".

flame art:flame blitz

*akira launches 6 fireballs at atlas while hes at the ground*

*fireballs hitting atlas*

*akira lands*

"that should damage him".

*akira said*

*atlas slowly standing up*

(this guy is insane)

*akira thought*

water art: self healing

*atlas suddenly heals half of his damage*

"*puff*now you piss me off".

*atlas said to akira angrily*

"to be honest you're a fucking robot to be standing after that attack".

*akira said*

"i'll take that as a compliment *puffing*".

art of sight:eagles eye

*atlas then sees akiras weak points*

"let's start round 2 homura".

"sure,let's do this".

*akira said*

*atlas then runs towards akira*

*akira tries to land a flaming right hook to atlas but atlas easily dodge it*

*atlas sees akiras weakpoint*

*atlas hits akiras leg with a straight left punch*

*akira stumbles*

*atlas the grabs akiras head and hit it with his knee*


*akira falls to the ground hard*

*akiras nose starts to bleed*

"*puffing*you bastard".

*akira said*

*atlas laughs*

meanwhile at morikos chamber the computer is almost done.


meanwhile as akira and atlas are punching kanji is watching at the side lines.

back to the fight.

*atlas hits akira with an axe kick to the head*

*atlas then grabs akiras hair*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas then hits akira with a powerful blow to the face launching him back inside the arena*

*akira to the ground*


*akira then remembered what his father told him when he was a kid*

"you need to be strong to protect the once you love".

*akiras father said from his flashback*

*atlas walks towards akira*

*akira slowly stands up *

"i am impressed homura".

*atlas said to akira*

(don't focus akira just let loose no one will get hurt)

*akira thought*

"die homura!".

*atlas said as he dash towards akira*

"wait for it".



flame art:devils flare

*akira launch a powerful and huge flame blast at atlas*

"what!...metal art:self buff".

*atlas covered himself with metal as he was blast by the powerful flame*

*large explosion as the arena got blown except for the room hana was*

*akira puffing*

*atlas badly wounded at the ground*

*akira walks slowly to atlas*

"damn you homura".

*atlas said to akira*

*flames went out from akiras body*

"im gonna finish".

*akira then catches a kunai that is heading towards his head*

*widow lands infront of akira*

"who *puff* the hell are you".

"master,hana morikos power is almost ready you must go there now,i'll keep akira homura busy".

*widow said to atlas*

"good job widow".

*atlas said as he limp towards hana morikos chamber*

"hey you asshole we're not over yet!".

"im your opponent for now akira".

*widow said as he dash towards akira*

"damn it".

*akira dash towards widow and launch a kick to the head*

*widow blocks a kick and tries to counter with a right hook*

*akira dodge the right hook and hit widow to the face with a left straight punch*

*widow stumble*

*akira backs off and charge forward at widow*

flame art:incenirate

*akira hits widow with a flame blast launching him at a broken wall*

*widow puffing*

*akira kneels down*

"i've been fighting to much *puff * *puff* but i have to keep going".

*akira said*

"you're strong akira homura".

*widow said as he stands up*

*widow then throws 5 kunai to akira*

*akira stands up and dodges 3 kunai but two hit his left shoulder and right leg*


*akira pulls out the kunai that is on his leg*

*widow then run towards akira and landing a punch to the face making akira fall to the ground*

meanwhile atlas reaches hana moriko.

*atlas puffing*


"it's almost done".

*atlas said*

"i won't *puff* let you do that whitlock".

*atlas looks behind as he see torashi standing*

"you again...i can't believe you're still alive".

*atlas said*

"tsk i can't die until i found my fathers killer".

*torashi said as he run towards atlas*

*torashi tries to land a punch to atlas*

*atlas blocks it and push torashi away*

water art:self healing

*atlas heals a couple of his bruises*

"much better".

*atlas said*


*torashi jumps and tries to kick atlas head but atlas blocks it with his right arm*

*torashi backs off*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas punches towards torashi making a shockwave making torashi fly off and dropping to the ground*

*torashi stands up*

"can you still fight detective?".

*atlas ask*

*torashi then falls to the ground unconscious*


*atlas looks at the loading screen on the computer*

"im almost gonna be the strongest person in the world".

back to akira and widows fight.

*akira stands up while dodging a punch from widow*

*akira grabs widows arm and slams him to the ground*

*widow stands back up and pulls out a kunai from his pouch*

*akira pulls out the kunai that is sticking on his shoulder*

*both run at each other clashing both their kunais*

(i don't have much time)

*akira thought*

*akira then throws his kunai to widow*

*widow blocks it with his kunai*

*akira run towards widow disarming him and kicking him to the stomach*

*widow holds his stomach in pain*

flame art:flare blitz

*akira launch 6 fireballs at widow*

*widow looks at the fireballs*

"ow shi-".

*the fireballs hit widow making 6 explosions*

*widow dropping unconscious to the ground*


*akira run towards the half destroyed laboratory*

meanwhile the other side of the arena.

*kanji walking*


"are you really going to walk away?".

"i have no intention over that atlas whitlock,kaze".

"you really are heartless".

*kaze said to kanji as she goes to the battlefield*

*kanji continues to walk but then looks back*

back at the laboratory.


"come on hurry up".

*atlas said*

"there you are".

*akira said as he kicks atlas away the computer and hanas chamber*

"homura you bastard".

*akira looks at hana*


"you're gonna pay for this!".

*akira said angrily*

*atlas laughs*

"pay? sure thing i'll give you a couple of dollars".

[99%....100%... system complete please attach another vessel]

"homura out of the way!".

"no way in hell".

*atlas dash towards akira and tries to punch him*

*akira dodges the punch and hit atlas to the chest*


flame art:incenirate

*akira then hits atlas with a flame blast*

*atlas stumbling*


*atlas then grabs akiras neck and throws him throught a wall*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas then blast akira with a shockwave*

*akira stumbling to the ground*


*atlas then starts the transferring and goes to the other chamber*

*chamber making weird sounds as hana morikos power is getting transfered to atlas*

"i have to stop it".

*akira stands up and run towards atlas but he trips and falls down*

"damn it".

[transfer complete]

*both chamber opens*

*hana falls to the ground still unconscious*

*atlas walking out of the chamber*

*atlas looks at his arms and hands*

"i can feel it...the hidden destructive power of the moriko clan".

*atlas looks at hana*

"i don't need you anymore".

"no don't!".

*akira shout*

art of the fiery hurricane:wind fist

*a gust of fist winds suddenly hits atlas*

*kaze then lands infront of atlas and picking up hana*


*akira said*

"get up akira".

*kaze said to akira*

*akira stands up*

"take hana with you to the hospital i'll handle him".

*kaze said to akira*

"don't be selfish kaze you can't beat him alone".

"we don't know that yet,now take hana and go".

"no,don't underestimate me kaze i can still fight".

"*sigh* i respect you because your strong but i never thought that you're an idiot".

*akira smiles*

"give me moriko i'll take her to the hospital".

*akira and kaze looks behind*


"*puffing* this is atleast i can do".

"sure thing".

*kaze said*

*kaze gave hana to torashi*

"don't lose...both of you".

*torashi said to kaze and akira*



*akira and kaze said*

*torashi then goes to the hospital while carrying hana*

"you sure you can fight akira?".

*kaze ask*

"yeah don't worry about me, i am the one who beat your ass".

"shut up".

*kaze said as they get ready to fight*

"a 2 vs 1 huh?".

*atlas said as he takes off his black suit*

"come if you dare".

*akira and kaze run towards atlas*

art of the pink blossom: petal dance

*atlas launch a huge shockwave with sharp pink petals*

"kaze get back".

flame arts:incenirate

*akira launch a flame blast burning the petals*

*kaze then dash towards atlas*

*atlas backs off*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*atlas then launch hard petals to kaze*

art of the fiery hurricane:barrier

*kaze then deflects the hard petals with her wind barrier around her*

*kaze leaps to atlas*

art of the fiery hurricane:air blast

*kaze launch a strong gust of wind*

*akira run towards atlas*

flame art:flare blitz

*akira launches 6 fireballs at atlas*

metal art:self buff

*atlas tanks both akira and kazes attacks but also destroying atlas armor*

*kaze punches atlas to the head while landing*

*atlas stumbles*

*akira then kick atlas to the stomach launching him to a wall*

art of sight:eagles eye

*atlas then sees akira and kazes weak point*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*atlas then sends hard petals to both akira and kaze*

*akira and kaze tried to dodge it but got hit to the stomach and the chest making them fall to the ground*

*akira spits blood*

"akira can you still fight?".

*kaze ask to akira*

*akira nodded*

"great let's do this".

*both kaze and akira stands up*

art of the fiery hurricane:devil wind

*kaze covered her arm with sharp air*

flame art:eruption

*akira covered his arms and legs with fire*

*atlas laughs*

"come at me!".

*bot akira and kaze run towards atlas*

*atlas then grabs a largee piece of debri of stone and throws it at kaze and akira*

*akira dodges it and kaze slice it*


metal art:self buff

*atlas creates a metal armor over himself but kaze then cuts throught it and slicing atlas chest*

*atlas chest begins to bleed*

*kaze then tries to stab atlas with her arm but atlas dodges it and kicks her to the stomach making her stumble to the ground*

*akira then jumps at atlas punching him to the face with a burning fist*

flame art:incenirate

*akira blast atlas with a strong flame*


art of sight:eagles eye

art of the pink blossom:pink petal devastation

*atlas then launch 5 huge sharp pink petals at akira and kazes weak point*

"damn it".

"kaze stand back!".

flame art:devils flare

*akira then launch a huge powerful flame blast at the 5 pink petals destroying 2 of them*

(this is bad)

*akira thought*

*kaze then grabs akira and holds him*

"hold tight".

*kaze said to akira*

art of the fiery hurricane:barrier

*kaze then created a barrier between her and akira*

*the 3 large petals hits them and destroyed the barrier creating a huge explosion and a large smoke*

*atlas walks towards them*

*footstep from the smoke*

*atlas looks behind*

*he sees kaze running towards him bleeding and injured*

*kaze tried to punch atlas but catches her arm*

"i'll finish you last".

*atlas said as he punches kaze to the face launching her to the ground*

*atlas then walks and search for akira*


*atlas saw a silhouette from the smoke*

*atlas saw akira standing up bleeding and have a huge cut to his side*

*atlas laughs*

"you really are increadible homura".

"*puffing* fuck....you".

*akira said to atlas*

*atlas then walks towards akira and getting ready to kill him*

*kaze then run behinds atlas and cuts him from the back*


"*puffing* im not done yet".

*kaze said*

*atlas back starts to bleed*

*atlas then looks behind and grabs kaze to the neck*

"you really wanna die that badly".

*atlas said to kaze as hes strying to break her throat*

"i..have no regrets".

*kaze said with a smile*


*akira yells*

*but then when kaze is about to die a blue flame hits atlas sides launching him off to a rubble and letting go kaze*

*kaze grabs her throat and breaths heavily*

*akira looks at who it is*

*atlas stand up from the rubble*

"who the hell did that!?".

*atlas said angrily*


*kanji then shows up hands inside his pocket*

*kanji with a angry look*

"im the only one who can kill homura BITCH".