
chapter 7: A surprising duo

*kanji walking slowly to akira*


*akira ask*

"tsk what the hell are you doing here".

*kaze ask*

"im not just going to stand by and watch as my prey gets killed by another predator".

*kanji said*

*atlas laughs*

"kanji hitodama correct?".

*atlas said to kanji*

*kanji stays silent*

"i guess that you made my job easy,i never thought i'll be getting the 2 flames that was gifted by the god".

"your dreams are beyond achieving".

*kanji said*

"what do you mean i can see my goals infront of me".

*atlas said with a smile*

*kanji smirks*

"if you think that im easy to kill then you're a complete idiot".

*kanji said*

"let's just see about that".

*atlas said*

*kanji then dash towards atlas*

(he's fast!)

*atlas thought*

flame art:blast burn

*kanji blast a huge blue flame infront of atlas*

"metal ar-".

*the blue flame hit atlas and explodes*

*atlas stumbling to the ground*

(his flames are stronger than homura)

*atlas thought as kanji is running towards him*

art of speed:boost

*atlas then backs off very fast that kanji couldn't see him*


*as kanji is looking for atlas,atlas then kicks kanji from behind*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*atlas launch hard pink petals at kanji hitting him*

*kanji tries to block it with his hand but it was to hard that he falls to the ground*

"you stealing bastard".

*kanji said angrily*

"you like my new power kanji hitodama?".

*atlas said to kanji*

"i can't believe you have to steal someones "power to become strong"."

*kanji smiled as he looks at atlas with disgust*

"you're pathetic".

*kanji said to atlas*

"shut the hell up!".

*atlas yelled at kanji as he run towards him and will try to punch him*

flame art:blue flare

*kanji slash towards atlas creating several blue flames hitting atlas*

*atlas blocks it with his hands while rushing at kanji*

(this guy is tough)

"die hitodama!".

*atlas yelled as he was blown back by a fire*


"*puffing* thank me later".

*akira said to kanji*

"you bastard just sit the fuck down i'll kill you later".

*kanji said to akira*

"yeah but you look like you're having trouble".

*akira said*

"are you underestimating me!?".

*kanji yelled to akira*

"he's coming".

*akira said*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas sends a strong shockwave at akira and kanji*

*kaze then holds kanji and akiras shoulder*

art of the fierce hurricane:barrier

*kaze creates a giant barrier with kanji and akira protecting them from the shockwave*

"kaze!,are you alright?".

"*puffing* im fine".

"it's better to get out of my way kaze".

*kanji said to kaze*

"shut up! *puffing* i can still fight".

*kaze said to kanji*

"don't be selfish yamazaki,if you insist to fight that man don't call for help cause you're only gonna get in my way".

"so choose,leave now or die fighting".

*kanji said to kaze*


"kaze he's right you must retreat".

*akira said to kaze*

"promise me homura you will survive".

"i will".

*kaze smiled and walks away*

"homura im saying it to you aswell don't get in my way".

*akira smirks*

"i don't even need your help in the first place".

*atlas cracking his fingers*

"so are we ready to dance?".

*atlas said to akira and kanji*

*meanwhile a news helicopter is broadcasting the fight from around the world*

*people around the world watching the fight*

somewhere in las vegas

*a man reading a manga from his apartment*

"babe look at the news".

*a mysterious blonde girl said*


*the man looks at the tv*

"a fight from japan huh".

*the man said*

"those two dude have the same power as you babe".

*the blonde girl said*

*the man sits down and watches the fight*

*this is interesting*

*the man said as he smiled*

somewhere from italy

*inside a white mansion,a man is siping a cup of tea while looking to the window*

"master you must look at the news".

*a beautiful maid said*

*the man puts down his tea*

*the man is walking down the stairs*

*the man was shock as he watches the fight*

"master aren't those powers look the same as yours".

*the maid said*

"well this is quite intriguing".

*the man said*

back from the fight.

art of the pink blossom:petal dance

*atlas launch a shockwave with sharp pink petals*

kanji:flame art:blast burn

akira:flame art:incenirate

*akira and kanji burns the sharp petals*

metal art:self buff

*atlas covered himself with metal*

*atlas then dash towards them*

art of strenght:death blow

"get out of my way homura!".

flame art:fire fang

*kanji launch 2 sharp blue fire at the strong shockwave stopping it and then exploding*

flame art:flare blitz

*akira launch 6 fireballs at atlas destroying his armor*


*atlas then run forwards*

"he wants a hand to hand combat huh".

*kanji said*

"homura don't get in my way or i'll kill you".

*kanji said as he stretch his arm*

"*puffing* what the hell do you mean?".

*kanji then run towards atlas*

*akira also run towards atlas*

"what the hell homura i'll kill you!".

"you're not my mom bastard don't tell me what to do".

*akira and kanji say as they run towards atlas*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*atlas launch hard pink petals at akira and kanji*

*akira and kanji stopsruning and blocks the petals with there arms*

*akiras arms starts to bleed*

(damn,i've lost a lot of blood now i don't know how lang i can keep fighting)

*akira thought*

"tsk that bastard".

*the petals stop*

*akira and kanji puffing*

art of speed:boost

*atlas then run towards akira and kanji at full speed*

(damn he did it again)

*kanji thought as they try to look for atlas*

*kanji then got punch to the stomach by atlas,launching him to a broken pillar*



*akira then got kick to the head*

*akira stumbling*

"don't get cocky you fire brats".

*atlas said as he punch akira to the chest launching him to the same direction as kanji*

*akira and kanji stands up*

akira:flame art:eruption

kanji:flame art:ignite

*both creates flames over their arms and legs*

"hey homura".


"i'll just kill you after we beat the shit out of him".

*akira smirks*

"i agree".

"come at me fire warriors".

*atlas said*

*akira and kanji run towards atlas*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*atlas launch hard petals at akira and kanji*

flame art:incenirate

*akira burns the petals then kanji run straight forward it*

*akira then follows kanji*

art of strenght:death blow

*atlas release a powerful shockwave at them*

"homura your hand!".

*kanji then grabs akiras hand and throws him at atlas*

flame art:inferno launch

*akira then punches atlas to the face with a strong fire on his arm*

*atlas stumbled to the ground but gets back up immediately*

*akira then tries to punch atlas to the face but atlas blocks it with his right arm*

*kanji then hits atlas to the stomach making him stumble*

*akira then kicks him to the face while kanji punches his leg making him fall to the ground*

*kanji then kicks him from the ground so hard that it launches him to a rock*

*atlas hits a rock*

*atlas slowly stands up*

"*puffing* you batards i will kill both of you!".

"yeah keep dreaming".

*akira said*

art of sight:eagles eye

art of the pink blossom:pink petal devastation

*atlas launches 5 large sharp petal at akira and kanjis weakpoint*

akira:flame art:devils flare

kanji:flame art: wildfire

*akira launches a huge fire blast at the petals and kanji launches a huge blue fire from the ground hitting the petals*

*all of the attacks collide and creates a huge explosion*

*atlas coughing at the smoke*

flame art:fire fang

*2 sharp blue flames then hits atlas left arm slicing it off*

*atlas screaming in pain*

"you bastard!".

flame art:incenirate

*akira then blast a strong fire at atlas making him fly to a wall*

*atlas kneeling*

"i'll be back".

*atlas said as he smile*

"no you won't".

*kanji said*

flame art:blast burn

*kanji then hits atlas one last time creating an explosion making atlas into a bloody mess*

"we*puffing* did it".

*akira said with pure relief*

"it's not over homura remember i will murder you".

*kanji said as he looks at akira*

"yeah right".

*akira said as he fell down unconcious*

"homura!...tsk you bastard".

*kanji then walks away*

"everybody as you can see the incredible fight is over,it is said that the police will be investigating what led to this fight".

*the news reporter said*

*people are amaze from around the world on what they watch on the tv*

somewhere from las vegas.

"wow babe that fight was epic".

*the blonde girl said*

"you sure i mean not to brag but i think i can beat those two in a minute".

*a man with a brown hair and leather jacket said*

somewhere from italy.

"are you really sure master?".

*the maid ask*

"yes, i am sure of it these two are from the 4 clans that save the world 1000 years ago".

*a man with a blonde hair and white toxedo said*

somewhere from the world.

"what an incredible fight".

" i can't believe they show their faces at tv,what fools".

"yeah now we know who's are targets HAHAAHAHA".

"silent the 3 of you the meeting is about to begin join the others now,our topic is about akira homura and kanji hitodama".

*4 dark silhouette said*

3 days later

*akira waking up*

"huh where am i".

"your at the hospital mister homura".

*the doctor said*

"oh how long was i asleep?".

*akira ask as he rubs his eyes*

"what 3 days! no way!".

*akira shock from the news*

"yes you loss a lot of blood from the fight you had".

*doctor said*

"oh yeah i remember".

"uhm hey doc how is hana moriko doing".

"oh she woke up 2 days ago".

"oh well thats good".

*akira said with a smile*

"infact she's in here right now".

"i'll call her for you she's just washing her hands at the bathroom".

"uhm okay thanks".

*the doctor goes out*


*akira then remembered there promised back from the arena*

*mumbling outside the room*


*door opens*


*hana said as she hugs akira*

"uhm hana how are you haha".

"good to see you again akira".

*kaze said as she walks inside the room*

"oh kaze how are you".

"im fi-".

"akira! im so sorry i didn't get to kept my promised im sorry! and thank god your okay!".

*hana said while hugging akira and crying*

"hana it's okay we can still fight after a completely heal".

"the thing is akira...atlas stole my power so..i can't do art of the pink blossom anymore".

*hana said while crying*

"oh yeah".

"if only i was strong enough to defend myself and not get unconcious so easily this wouldn't happen".

"hana it's not your fault don't worry".

"hana you're strong without your powers,don't blame yourself just because you got caught".

"thanks akira".

"your welcome".

*akira said with a smile*

*torashi comes inside the room*

"uhm excuse me for interupting something"

"oh torashi how are you".

"im good akira thanks for asking".

"just get this thing over with".

*kanji said as he walks inside the room*

"kanji! are you here to kill akira?".

*hana said as he tries to confront kanji*

"what are you doing here hitodama".

*kaze ask*

"you idiots relax i don't want to kill an

injured rat and i was sent here by torashi".

"everyone relax i have an important news to tell you".

*torashi said*

"akira when you guys are fighting atlas from the arena someone attack your house".


*akira shock on what he heard*

"your house was completely destroyed and there was pink flames everywhere".

*everyone in the room got stun*

"pink flames?".

*kanji ask as he remembers how his entire clan got murdered by a man with pink flames*

"yes i was shock aswell it's the same man that killed my dad".

*torashi said with pure frustration*

"and also we found 1 dead person at the crime scene".

*akiras eyes got wide as he heard the news*

"akira....the 1 person who died at the crime scene was identified as your caretaker IZO".