
Chapter 10:Search for yanagi

as akira,kanji and torashi entered the airport they were joined by hana and kaze who waited for them.

"oh,its hana."

*akira said as he saw hana running towards them waving her hand to the air*


*hana stops right infront of the others panting,kaze then joined them by just walking*

"we're here to say goodluck to you three for your search."

*kaze said to the three of them while hana nodded to them*

"thanks,both of you we'll see each other again next year."

"we'll be here waiting."

*and as they say there last goodbye kanji and kaze stared at each other*

"still trying to take your revenge on me?."

"yes,don't think im done with you."

"i'll be waiting for our fight."

*kanji then leaves and followed akira and torashi*

"let's go."

*akira said as they go to the airplane*

meanwhile at a laboratory somewhere.


"yeah,since you have the power of 5 art


"i see."

*element then goes to atlas chamber and look at him*

"who is this?."

"that's atlas whitlock he's going to be our third companion."

"why did you chose him to be our companion?."

"because he has an increadible intelect and a strong power like you."

"you mean he had more art styles like me?."

"yes,you see when he was a teenager he had a wealthy family,atlas loves his family very much but one day an intruder went inside there house to steal their money,atlas father and mother tried to fend of the intruder but they didn't know he had a gun,the intruder then shot atlas father and mother killing them while atlas stood there and watch,so after that he swear to himself that he would become stronger."

"i see,what a tragic backstory,but i don't see the point that he is worthy to join with us."

"element dont you see,like us he have a dark motive,to destroy the world."

"viper may i ask you a question."


"what am i made of."

"from the blood and flesh of 1 of the 3 dark entities."

"i see."

1 day later akira and the others arrive at nevada.

"damn that was a long trip."

"okay guys, we can have fun,play games and

travel but remember our mission.we need to find the last yanagi member,got it?."

"yeah,i know."

*kanji said as he grabs his bags and leaves akira and torashi*

"well he's not coming with us."

"sorry akira but i have to go somewhere aswell i'll just give you a call if we need a meeting."

"where are you going?."

"just business stuff ."

"hmm,okay i'll just see you when i find something,see ya."

*akira said as he walked away while waving his hand at torashi,torashi then waves back and called someone on his phone*

"hello,im here where can we meet...got it."

*the call then ends and torashi walks away from the airport*

*we then see kanji is waiting for a bus to las vegas while akira is just running there thinking that it is excercise for him and torashi is pick up by a black car*

*hours have pass it is night time, 5 unknown hooded people are at a forest camping and discussing something*

"so...our target is the flame brat from japan right?."

*a man with a blue hair ask as he removed his hoody*

"yes,but since the twisted king said that one of the four flames is here in nevada,we should go for him first."

*the second hooded man said as he looks at the sky*

"haha,i wonder if we are gonna kill another handsome warrior again."

*the hooded women said as she smirk at his companions*

"so what is the plan for tommorow, number four?."

*another hooded man said as he looks at their leader*

"we will have three groups,i'll be going alone."

*the last hooded man said as he grip his hand revealing a number four tattoo on his hand*

*the next day kanji is sleepin in a bus while akira is trying to call torashi*

"damn it,come on torashi pick up im loss."

(damn, i was running a straight line how did i get lost?)

*akira then saw a blonde girl carrying a basket of oranges*

"he...hey can i ask how to get to las vegas?."

"huh? why the hell would i help you?."

*the blonde girl said as she looks at akira with a disgust expression*

"im asking nicely here, ok? please atleast point a direction."

"shut the fuck up and leave me alone creep."

(why you annoying piece of shit)

*akira thought with an angry expression*

"why don't you just stay there and wait for a taxi or something."

"it's been hours,there's no taxi in sight."

"well that's not my problem."

"tsk,fine i'll just stay here rather than following an annoying brat."

*the blonde girl then stopped walking and slowly turn around and look at akira*

"what did you call me?."

"an annoying brat."

*the blonde girl then release a powerful shockwave with electricity*

meanwhile when this is happening kanji is at las vegas looking for the last yanagi member.

"tsk,how the hell could i find that yanagi guy."

*while walking around and searching kanji heard some thugs at the dark alley,kanji then goes there and check what is going on,kanji then saw five gang members with weapons cornering a man with brown hair and leather jacket at the wall*

(what the hell is happening)

*kanji thought as he is figuring out if he would help the cornered man*

"you haven't paid your debt yet,iro."

*the gang leader said as he spinning his bat*

"i told you guys,i'll pay you back when i get my money."

"and when is that?."

"i don't know, a couple of months i think."

"a couple of months? are you kidding? why don't we just sell your organs."

*iro smirks as he pulled out a cigarette*

"what's so funny? you think we can't kill you?."

*iro then giggled and lights his cigar with an orange flame coming out his finger*


*iro then head kicks the gang leader from the right side dropping him to the ground,two armed members then charged at iro,iro then grabs one of the gang members neck while punching the other one bringing him down,iro then chokeslam the other member to the ground,two more members charged at iro only to be kick by a single left kick by iro*

"well that was fast."

*iro said as he saw the gang leader slowly standing up*

"oh still got strenght in you?."

"you bastard!."

*iro then dash at the gang leader with a flaming hand punching him to the stomach*

"you know? you disgust me."

flame style:fist of the devil

*iro then launch the gang leader to the wall with a burning fist then creating a huge explosion after*

"now,let's get going."

*as iro is exiting the alley way kanji blocked him*

"what the hell?,what do you want bastard."

"so...you're the last yanagi member."

"what the hell did you just say?."

meanwhile torashi was pick up by a black car and now heading to a unknown hideout.

"are we almost there? i don't have much time."

*torashi said to the driver as he looked at his watch*

"don't worry sir we are here."

*the car then stopped at the middle of nowhere with a huge military camp*

"so this is the place huh."

*torashi then entered the military camp and instead of seeing soldiers he saw many martial artist training*

"so,we meet again detective torashi."

"nao,it's good to see you."

"please come inside the tent."

*torashi then entered the huge tent and saw four more mens with black and white suit*

"who are they?."

"just like me they are the governments strongest agents."

"so,what do you guys want to talk about."

"look torashi we already know the prophecy about the 3 entities."


"that doesn't matter,we want you here cause we have to talk about the 4 clans and there whereabouts."

"homura and hitodama are here and this is also the place that we located yanagi so there whereabouts are not that important now."

"wait,did the three of you split up?."


"this is bad what if they find them."

"wait,who's they?."

"the dark followers."

"wa-wait what do you mean dark followers?."

"they are murderers who have been killing around the world and making a mark at their preys target...they put a triangle at their victims after the kill them."

"wait,why are they targeting akira and kanji."

"all of their victims are part of a clan...4 clans name homura,hitodama,yanagi and cruz,since they are only killing those who are part of one of the 4 clans,i guess that they are a cult who worships the dark entities."

back at kanji.

"how the hell did you know about that clan."

"cause my clan worked together with your'r 1000 years ago."

"whatever you say,buddy."

*iro then drops his cigar and launches a punch at kanji,kanji catches the punch and steps back*

"listen i don't want to kill you."

"kill me? no one in the world can do that."

"you're the last member of the yanagi clan right? we are asking for your help."

"tsk, im gonna tell you this for one time,i hate being called by that stupid CLAN."