
Chapter 11: The orange flame and the yellow thunder

*akira is covering himself with his hands as the blonde girl is releasing a powerful shockwave*

(who the hell is she!?)

*the blonde girl then dissapeared infront of akiras eyes*

"what the-."

*akira then got punch to the stomach by the blonde girl with a significant speed,akira kneels down as he got punch to the face bringing him down*

"next time i see your face again,i'll show no mercy."

*the blonde girl said as she goes and pick up her basket of oranges while not noticing that akira is slowly standing up,the blonde girl looks behind and was shock to see akira standing up*

"you see...i fought a girl before so doing it again doesn't make me feel bad."

(i can't believe he manage to stand up after that blow,this one is tough)

"if you wanna continue fighting,i'll kill you for sure."

*the blonde girl said as electricity is coming out of her hand*

*akira smirk as he looked at the blonde girl*

"fine by me,i can't die anyway."

"fine then,have it your way."

*the blonde girl rush towards akira with a full speed almost kicking him to the face*

(that was close,she moves so fast)

*akira then turned around getting ready to punch the girl but she suddenly dissapeared*

(where did she go)

*akira thought as he looks around trying to find the girl*

"art of the yellow thunder."

*akira looks up and saw the girl landing towards him with a electric punch*


*the blonde girl then lands at akira destroying the land that they are standing in and releasing tons of lightning at the impact*

*the blonde girl then walked to the basket of oranges*

"guess your not that tough after all."

"sorry did i catch that right? im not tough?."

*the blonde girl then looked behind and saw akira with a fire pillar surrounding him*

"flames? wait your that guy from the tv the other day."

"oh,im glad that im famous for you to know me."

"tsk,so your power is the same as iro huh,tell me what is your last name?."

"why don't you introduce yourself first."

"oh how about i introduce myself."

*akira and the blonde then was stun to see a guy with a black coat and hood sitting from a rock*

"who the hell are you?."

*akira ask the mysterious person as he replied with a smile*

meanwhile torashi and nao is searching for the others using a satellite.

"we need to find them quick."

"hey! nao! explain to me what do this black followers look like?."

"they have a back coat with a hoodie their faces and names are unknown."

"tsk,damn it."

"sir,we found kanji hitodama and iro yanagi fighting at las vegas."

"how about akira homura?."

"we haven't found him yet,sir."

"send reinforcement to kanji and iro now."

"sir,someone is coming approaching kanji and iro."

"is it homura?."

"we don't know."

back from vegas kanji is dodging iros fireballs.

"listen to me you fucking brat."

"i hate being called by that clan."

flame style:bombbardment

*iro launches exploding flame shot at kanji,kanji easily avoids it and succesfully grabbed iro and slammed him to the ground*

"why do you hate being called by your own clan?."

"none of you business."

*iro then punches kanji to the face forcing him to let go of iro,iro then tried to punch kanji but kanji catches it and kicks iro to the face*

flame style:fist of the devil

flame art:ignite

*iro tried to punch kanji with a powerful punch but kanji deflects it with his own punch creating a huge shockwave in between the punches*

"let's stop this now."

"tsk,i'll kill you."

"woah now, both of you relax can't you see your at the middle of the streets."

*a man with a black coat and a hood said as he leans to a wall*

"who the hell are you?."

"me? im nisesh."

"get out of here or you'll join him from the grave."

"so scary,iro yanagi."

*nisesh said as he's voice suddenly change from playful to deep and scary*

"how did you know me?."

"long story and it's getting dark why don't we finish this quickly."

*nisesh said as he approach kanji and iro*

flame art:fire fang

*kanji launches 2 sharp blue flame at nisesh,nisesh then easily deflected it with his hand*


flame style:bombardment

*nisesh then dash towards the fire blast and easily choke slam iro to the ground,nisesh then looks at kanji and dash towards him,kanji then tried to punch nisesh but he easily dodge it and kicks kanji to the leg making him stumble and punching him to the face dropping him down*

"hey! bastard! eat this,fist of the devil."

*iro then tried to punch nisesh with a powerful punch but he easily catches it and punches iro to the stomach making him to spit blood*

"hey,im not done yet."

*kanji then punches nisesh to the face making him step back*

"oh,nice punch hitodama."

"i'll show you more,ignite."

*kanji then run towards nisesh,nisesh then tried to punch kanji but kanji blocked it with his left arm,kanji then counters with a right kick but nisesh easily blocked it with his left leg*

(is it just me or is his bones are getting tougher)

*nisesh then dash at kanji hitting him to the stomach and dropping him down*

"so this is the warriors of this generation,pathetic."

"im not done yet."

flame art:wildfire

*kanji then punches nisesh to the chest with a powerful flaming punch,nisesh then hits a wall and going throught it*

"that's the end of it."

*kanji then walked towards iro*

"hey iro are you oka-."

*kanji then nisesh laughing throught the wall*

"if you think im gonna go down with that attack you're dreaming,can't you see it's night time."

"who...are you?."

*nisesh then comes out of the wall without a scratch on his body*

"im nisesh the lord of the NIGHT."