THE DAY had disappeared, and Lucas hadn't even noticed. He still hadn't recovered from the morning, and yet somehow the gloaming was upon them. Bonfires speckled the crazy-jane patchwork of distant fields--some of the villagers already celebrating the first day of harvesting--while the smaller specks of torches in between indicated that some were still laboring. Lucas didn't blame them--he didn't trust the good weather to last, either. The straw and grain crops had been cut and laid in the sun to dry today, but if it rained again before they were able to stack and bale it....
Right. Stop thinking, Lucas.
At least the vineyards and orchards were safe, according to Auntie Del. Which would have been unbelievable before this morning--Lucas had been out to the vineyards only days ago; he *knew* there had already been mildew, and mildew didn't just magically go aw--