Chapter 32

IT WAS only another ten-minute ride to the Circle. Lucas swept his gaze continually while he rode, squinting through the dark, looking for a flash of white and listening for a familiar bark. Nothing came.

"Perhaps Parry simply quickened his pace and rode ahead, and Bramble followed," Alex said. "It's... very dark, after all."

Too dark, Lucas couldn't help thinking, but didn't want to say out loud. So dark it was downright eerie. Under different circumstances, he would likely be busy talking Alex into turning around and legging it anywhere but here, and definitely not steadily plodding to a place he didn't necessarily relish visiting in the daytime.

As he was dealing with *this* circumstance--the one where his sister's intended, his cousin, and now his dog had all disappeared in too-rapid succession--turning around and running was, at the moment, merely a half-fond and half-guilty wish.