Chapter 44

The fire was crowded as night took over again, but there was a peace in the air that wasn't there before. Sun Riser had curled in a ball against the trunk and roots of the Mother with Jar'ra asleep under his wing. Snow Bringer and Rain Dancer ran and played together, like they were young foals again. The glistening pastel trail left by the perly horn followed by Snow Bringer's flurries in a revolving circle. Only the Hunter and his Stag were missing from the group, having rode off to find calm in the forest. Cedric had done his best to freeze the Gypsy Witch so that time would have no effect on her body. Petal had said that the Guardian needed to be returned to her people, so they could morn her properly.

Cedric could feel the questions stick in his throat as he watched Petal and Korva discuss all that had happened, unwilling to interrupt their reconnection but feeling the jealousy in him like a hot coal in his stomach. Sooner or later, he would have to cough it out.