Chapter 16: S1 Hidden: The Hidden One

Sophia Mahoney

She closes her eyes, and an image of Aden's face washes across her thoughts. The intensity of his gaze makes her heart race.

Encased in his strong arms, she had felt protected, safe even. And well, his touch makes her body come alive and tingle. She's never felt anything remotely like it.

Sighing, she thinks about the dream. His lips, full and expressive, flow through her mind.

What would it feel like to kiss him? Moreover, what would be like to have his lips caress every inch of her nude body?

Her cheeks warm, and she smiles.

Uncle Hugo used to tell her to loosen up and live a little. But she's not entirely sure this is what he was talking about. She shakes her head, and a deep blush burns her body from head to toe.

"Penny for your thoughts." His deep, masculine voice pulls at her.

Crap. Sophia's eyes flutter open. How did I not hear him enter the room?

"What were you thinking just now? Tell me."