Chapter 17: S1 Hidden: Deja vu

Aden Clarkson

He claims her lips once more, relishing their silky soothes. When she opens up to him, he plunges his tongue into her mouth, tasting her.

Aden's hands slide over her shoulders, down her arms. As his fingertips glide over her abdomen, and her muscles tighten, then contract under his palm.

The kiss, slow at first, deepens. He draws in a breath and drinks in her sweet, intoxicating smell, finding it hard to get enough of her.

His inner gargouille stirs.

Mine, his beast whispers in his mind.

It's clear he wants her, wants to take her, make her his just as much as Aden.

Not yet, he replies to the beast, but soon. We must not scare her off.

Keeping his beast under control takes all of Aden's willpower. It would be easy to give in, but to do so would mean to lose the balance he has worked so hard to maintain over the years.