Chapter 32: S2 Wisdom: What the Hell?

Aden Clarkson

Logan's phone rings. He answers the device, then shakes his head. "Sorry, I'm needed downstairs."

"Go. Do what you must." Aden takes hold of Sophia's arm. "We'll be fine." His inner gargouille picks up a mixture of anger and frustration swirling around her.

Sophia takes a step back, but Aden tightens his grip. He's not about to allow her to retreat, not until they've had a chance to speak.

Logan steps out of the room.

"Let go." Sophia twists in his arms.

He pins her body against the open door with his.

"Aden, stop." She glares at him. "Release me."

"Not until we've talked."

"Fine." A flash of anger flickers across her eyes. "You want to talk now. Well, you should've consulted with me before moving forward with repairs."

"I can see you're upset."

"That's an understatement."