Chapter 31: S2 Wisdom: Don't Walk Away!

Sophia Mahoney

The entrance of the bookstore is standing wide open, leaving her to wonder what uninvited guests have taken up shop inside among the books.

Sophia steps across the threshold and makes her way to the lobby. An electric drill buzzes in her ears, making her jaws ache.

Two men are working on the main door of the building. The rubber soles of the tennis shoes she's wearing drum lightly on the hardwood floor. Her chest tightens because she's not sure what she'll find when she heads upstairs where the fire ate away at the memories she had left of her uncle.

From what Logan had relayed to Aden earlier on the phone, the men, the ones who broke in and set fire to her room, burned everything she owned in the world. She didn't have much, but what she did own, she values because she knew her uncle worked hard to supply her with the things she needed.