Chapter 39: S2 Wisdom: Pick a Side

Aden Clarkson

The silence in the room is deafening.

When the kettle on the red-hot burner whistles, it provides a welcomed break from the quietness.

She's going to have questions, Sophia. He knows she is. But he's not sure he'll be able to answer them all.

"How do you take your tea?" Aden picks up a tea box with different bags inside.

He sets the container down in front of her.

"Do you sweeten it?" He pours freshly brewed coffee into his mug. "I think Sally has some sugar hidden in the pantry - actually, I'm fairly certain of it."

"No." She shakes her head. "But I'll take creamer. Well, half and half if you have it."

She thumbs through the box, examining the different teas. When she handles the herbal teas, her nose scrunches, leaving him to infer it's not a flavor she cares for.