Chapter 40: S2 Wisdom: Small Fry

Aden Clarkson

"Magic is innate, a natural skill. It's part of you, now and always. The only difference is that you can feel it since it's no longer dormant." Aden kisses her lips.

He hopes his explanation makes sense because he'd like nothing better than to help Sophia understand her fae side.

"Well, let me tell you, it sure doesn't feel all that natural or innate." She exhales a heavy sigh. "To be honest, it's confusing as hell."

"And as your abilities fully awaken, you'll need to learn to embrace this side of yourself. Now, concentrate on the energy source. Picture it hovering above your palm."

"My fingers feel hot, tingly." An amber hue glows between their hands.

"That's normal." Aden pulls his palm away from hers, then cups the back of Sophia's hand. "Concentrate on the energy surging. Picture it growing."

She closes her eyes. Her shoulders roll forward, and the muscles in her body relax.