Chapter 41: S2 Wisdom: Let It Flow Naturally

Aden Clarkson

His desire-redden eyes span the length of her frame. "God. You're perfect." Aden draws her into his arms. "Every time I saw you on the bike trail, I wanted to approach you."

"Why didn't you?"

"I wasn't sure you'd be receptive." The tips of his fingers follow the curve of her jawline. "Among other things." He coaxes her onto the bed, then lays down next to her.

"What are you talking about? What other things?"

"I wasn't sure if you were fae or human at first."

"Does that matter?"

"No. I've been with both fae and humans." His eyes hold her captive. "It was your aura. I wasn't sure if you were of the light or dark."

"My aura?"

"Yes. It was inconsistent - iridescent - so it picked up the colors around you, making it harder to decipher what you were."

His hand skims down Sophia's neck and over her shoulder, making her skin tingle.

"Are you talking about synesthesia?"