Chapter 47: S2 Wisdom: A Play Scene

Sophia Mahoney

Aden strolls out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Is he serious? What the hell did he mean by that?

Thoughts of his office flood her mind. The way he took control and gave her direction.

What did he call it?

A play scene, she's pretty sure of it.

Hmm, so, is this another one of his plans?

Sophia walks into the bathroom, tosses the gloves into the trash, and then washes her hands, making sure to lather well before rinsing, then dries her hands off

Quickly, she pulls the ponytail holder from her hair and runs the brush through her unruly locks. After tucking a few rogue strands behind her ear, she makes her way into the bedroom.

Looking around, she takes in the new furnishings and decorations. It really is nice, but Logan and Aden should've talked to her first.

She huffs a strand of hair out of her face and then takes a deep breath.