Chapter 48: S2 Wisdom: Magic Ripples

Sophia Mahoney

A surge of magic flows the length of her frame, making her skin tingle. The muscles in her thighs quake, and her heart races in her chest.

He moves his fingers in a tapping motion, which intensifies the budding sensation.

A burst of white-hot energy, raw power, surges forward and sparks on the tips of her fingers.

"Control the building magic. Allow it to flow forward in short spurts."

She pictures a wall of water held in place by glass. A window emerges in her mind's eye and slowly opens, allowing a continuous flow of magic to pass.

"That's it, don't stop. Allow the release."

"It's hot from the inside out." She grasps the bed sheet and continues to hold his gaze.

"You're doing well." His eyes resemble liquid pools of water. She could lose herself in them. "Let go. Transfer the magic."

"You said it would get easier." Her voice cracks. "But it's stronger each time."