Chapter 53: S3 Betrayal: The Maalik Assassin

Aden Clarkson

A thunderous boom echoes in Aden's ears, waking his inner beast.

The sound of breaking glass reverberates, and Sophia jumps in his arms. Aden tightens his hold on her body, keeping her from rising.

"Don't move," he whispers in her ear. "Understand?"

She replies to his words with the nod of her head.

A high-pitched alarm goes off. It's the new security system Logan installed less than a week ago. The tone makes his ears ache.

Sophia opens her mouth to speak, but Aden places a single finger over her lips to silence her. He must focus now and listen to the sounds around him.

Aden calls on his inner gargouille's ears.

The deep, throaty rumble in the distances grows louder, sharper than before. It's Thor. His robust bark pierces the blackness of night.

Sophia shivers. He can hear the erratic beats of her heart.

He releases her, then stands next to the bed, then motions for her to stay put.