Chapter 54: S3 Betrayal: Come No Closer

Sophia Mahoney

Sophia Jumps out of bed and slips on Aden's dress shirt. Slowly, she creeps up to the doorway, unlocks the door, and peers out. She doesn't see any movement, so she ventures outside of the room.

Taking a few deep breaths, she tries to calm her shaking body. She grips the rail of the banister and walks down the stairs, keeping her body as low as possible. Her feet feel heavy, and her knees shake.

A low, throaty bark resonates from somewhere below.

She can hear Thor growling, but she's not sure where the sound's coming from.

Several indistinct voices reach her ears. They sound as if they're drawing closer.

Sophia picks up her pace and takes the stairs two at a time. At the base of the platform, she backs into the science fiction wing of the bookstore and crouches in the dark.

The dim lighting in the bookcases goes out, leaving her in total darkness.

"Fuck," she says barely above a whisper. Did they shut off the power?