Chapter 56: S3 Betrayal: Suppress the Magic

Aden Clarkson

Aden calls her name softly, but she doesn't respond.

Her heartbeat, erratic and fast, thumps in his ears, and her eyes move under her lids. Taking a deep breath, he drinks in her mounting fear, which now mingles with his.

I shouldn't have left her alone in the room, he things to himself, I should've waited for Logan to arrive.

His top priority should've been Sophia's safety. Back at the bookstore, he couldn't done any number of things to safeguard her - kept her concealed until helped arrive, taken beast form and flew out a window with her in his arms, but he didn't do either of those things, and now, as a result, she occupies a hospital bed.

Dr. Marks, the emergency room physician in the room, moves closer to her, holding something in his hand.

"What is that?" Aden keeps his eyes trained on the doctor.

"Smelling salts." He holds a hand next to her nose.