Chapter 57: S3 Betrayal: I'm Not Leaving

Sophia Mahoney

Dressed in a hospital gown, Sophia clutches the rails with a death grip. The nurse wheels the bed with ease down the straight corridor, then takes a sharp corner.

Looking around, Sophia searches for Aden, but he's nowhere.

An elevator comes into view.

"Keep your arms in." The nurse wheels her into the elevator.

"Wait." She sits and looks over the woman's bobbing head. "Aden won't know where I am."

Without saying a word, the nurse presses the third floor.

Once in the room, Sophia slides off onto a large bed.

"The floor nurse will stop by shortly." The woman pivots around and exits the room.

A rap on the door makes Sophia jump.

"You in there?" Aden enters the room.

"Aden." A smile washes across her face.

He makes his way across the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now." She looks at the open doorway. "Where's Logan?"