Chapter 58: S3 Betrayal: Safe and Sound

Aden Clarkson

The walls of the hospital are closing in on him, and the room has a sterile smell to it. A scent he could do without.

Aden enters the room. He doesn't see Sophia, but her scent still lingers in the area, so he listens.

Movement comes from the bathroom

He raps on the door. "May I come in?"

Before he even gives Sophia a chance to respond, he opens the door.

Looking up, she locks eyes with him. She's standing at the counter wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton panties with a pink bow on the front and a matching lacy bra.

"Need some help?" The corners of his lips curl into a grin.

"Nah, I got it." Her eyes contain a dreamy look, no doubt from the concussion.

Ignoring her response, he strolls to where she's standing, then picks up the folded jeans on the edge of the counter. Kneeling in front of her, he eases her feet into the leg holes of the pants.