Chapter 59 S3 Betrayal: Cupcake

Aden Clarkson

Anger swirls around her like a dense, heavy cloud of emotion.

She peers up and holds Logan's gaze in the rearview mirror. "Don't start because I don't want to hear."

"We were merely assessing the situation back at the bookstore." Logan presses his lips together into a thin white line.

"Oh, you mean then new gadgets you two will now install, Logan? The ones you and Aden can use to spy on me?" Sophia narrows her eyes. "So, do I have to find them myself, or will you tell me what you've done this time?"

"Sophia." Logan's face flushes.

From the scent coming off his body, it's clear his beast is on the verge of taking over.

"Any security system installed is for your safety." The vein on the side of Logan's forehead throbs, keeping a steady beat.

"Then I should be there, too."

"I'd rather you stay at my apartment." Aden glares at her.