Chapter 64: S3 Betrayal: Bound Together

Sophia Mahoney

Her mouth goes dry. It's the man she hit with the bat in the restoration room.

The blow she dished out should've left a nice blue-black bruise on his side, but there's nothing there.

Twisting in his arms, she struggles to free herself.

"Where is it?" His voice is deep, rough. "Where is the Book of Light and Shadow?"

Swallowing hard, she looks at him. "I don't know."

His wings drape over his shoulders like a cloak.

"Now, let me go." She shoves against his bare chest.

"And why would I do that, white witch?" He grins. "You're worth more than your weight in gold."

Sophia's fingers tingle. Concentrating on the energy flowing in her body, she directs it to one spot.

Light sparks from her fingertips and she shoves him back with a burst of light, which makes her stumble too.

A fiendish smirk tugs at his mouth. "So, you want to play again - is that it?"