Chapter 63: S3 Betrayal: Did You Miss Me?

Sophia Mahoney

In the bathroom, Sophia grabs a paper towel off the roll, then runs cold water over it. She pats down her face then takes in a deep breath.

Get a grip, Sophia, she thinks to herself.

She stares at her pale reflection in the mirror.

Finding out a gargoyle selects a mate for life doesn't change who Aden is - or Logan, for that matter.

She sighs, then huffs a piece of hair out of her eyes.

They're the same two guys she met on the jogging trail. The same two men who have been there for her when she needed them most.

So, their lifestyle can't be all that bad, right?

Sophia dries her hands, tosses the paper napkin in the trash, and then she heads for the door. She makes her way down the hallway.

A chilly gust of wind blows over her skin and goose bumps erupt over her goose-pimpled flesh.