Chapter 79: S4 Redemption: Meurjon & the Hound

Sophia Mahoney

A deep-seated cold settles in her bones. She shivers. Reaching out, Sophia feels for the comforter in the dark. Her mind still lingers between the dream world and reality. And if given a choice, she'd gladly choose to stay in the moment, the shared moment, the one she was having with Aden.

Her eyes pop open. A dream she was dreaming. Her body still buzzes with sexual energy.

"Fuck." She shakes her head. Sitting in bed, she rubs her eyes. "What the hell was I thinking?"

Was it just a dream, or did she summon Aden?

"I can smell your arousal." A masculine growl cuts through the silence of the room. "I can see why he's drawn to you."

Sophia searches the dark room. Her heart picks up speed, beating a steady cadence in her chest. She slides off the bed.

"Don't even think about it." A figure steps out of the shadows. "Because I'd catch you before you even reached the door."