Chapter 80: S4 Redemption: Blood Magic

Sophia Mahoney

Images of her uncle's face flash through her thoughts. They're moving faster than she can focus on them. Struggling, Sophia fights to maintain her composure and struggles to remain on her feet.

In a flash, glimpses of her childhood unfold before her eyes, but they come across fragmented.

The ghostly apparitions of her mother and father surface. Their once lost faces now flow before her with such clarity, it's almost as if they're now standing in front of her.

Warm tears fill her eyes. "No. This can't be real." A distant darkness touches the edge of Sophia's psyche.

Memories shoot through her mind, making her head throb. And no matter how hard she tries, she can't make them stop.

Somehow, the Hound is able to access them, but how?

Focusing on the dark matter infiltrating her mind, Sophia imagines a wall around her most profound, most protected thoughts while she struggles to purge the unwelcome invader.